Sunday, 15 October 2017

Zainet Trading System

8220Insight fornire un servizio di reclutamento professionale e pratico e rapidamente guadagnato una comprensione delle esigenze del nostro business, fornendo una lista concisa di candidati. Non avrei alcuna esitazione a raccomandare Insight per altri recruiters8221 Sukh Dulai 8211 Risorse Ufficiale 8211 Bose 8220I rimasto molto colpito da Insight8217s approccio personale e professionale prendendo tempo per discutere le mie aspirazioni e ascoltare la mossa di carriera che cercavo, allora è chiaro che conoscendo l'azienda e le persone che si incontravano durante il colloquio molto bene. It8217s raro sentirsi così valutato 8221 Nigel Moule 8211 Senior Manager, Mitsubishi 8220Insight8217s approccio personale 038 professionalità è fantastico, rimanendo sempre in contatto regolare con me, così ho sempre saputo esattamente come le cose stavano procedendo. Io continuerò a lavorare con Insight come hanno fornito un servizio esemplare, professionale e competente, con un approccio cordiale a tutti times8221 Miranda Stewart 8211 Facilities Manager 8211 Tindal Riley 8220I hanno conosciuto Insight per un certo numero di anni e si sentono come se fossero veramente capire le nostre esigenze , selezionando le più alte candidati calibro, che soddisfano perfettamente le nostre esigenze. Insight è professionale, cordiale ed efficiente 8211 bisogno di consigli o informazioni avranno la answers8221 Catherine Nichols 8211 Risorse Umane, Balfour Beatty Capitale 8220Insight hanno dimostrato buona conoscenza nei settori di attività in cui operano. La loro esperienza approfondita e vasta rete di business è impressionante per non dire altro. La loro volontà di aiutare e fornire supporto round-the-clock è ciò che spinge Insight8221 Frank Yang 8211 Analyst, Trafigura Shanghai 8220Insight visitano regolarmente i nostri uffici, capire il nostro business e inviare l'esatto calibro di candidato che stiamo cercando ogni volta. Avendo lavorato con Insight per quasi un anno e prendendo grandi candidati da loro, ci sarà sicuramente continuare ad usarli in futuro. Jamie Challis 8211 Sales Manager, Kelkoo 8220We chiesto Insight per riempire un ruolo di specialista di HR per noi, che hanno fatto con grande efficienza e velocità di 8230 entro una settimana, infatti. Hanno fatto in modo che abbiamo fatto perdere tempo, filtrando solo i candidati idonei e sono stati un piacere lavorare with8221 Nick Jackson 8211 Risorse umane, Spectron Energy una percezione chiara e profonda di una situazione 8230 un sentimento di comprensione 8230 la chiara comprensione di una situazione complessa 8230 afferrare la natura intima delle cose intuitivamente 8230 definizione intuizione: Abbiamo iniziato a lavorare con James a Insight nel 2008. Durante questo periodo Insight sono sempre stati proattiva, onesto e visualizzare un elevato grado di conoscenza del settore. Noi rispettiamo la loro opinione come ci sentiamo Insight conosciamo il nostro business e la cultura, in modo da nuovi candidati prosperano nei loro ruoli. Mio Adam 8211 HR Advisor 8211 E. ON Ruhrgas UK EampP ultime offerte di lavoro HR Administrator (a lungo termine temporaneo) fascia di reddito: 30.000 - 32.000 p. a. (Equivalente) Località: Londra, amministratore West End Il sistema HR riferirà al e assistere il Direttore Risorse Umane (Human Resources Attività e Servizi Management) in tutti i processi e le attività che forniscono un servizio efficiente e rapido delle risorse umane. Il mio cliente è una delle principali società energetiche integrate con attività di esplorazione, produzione, trasporto e commercializzazione di petrolio e gas naturale. L'amministratore del sistema HR amp riferirà al e assistere il Direttore Risorse Umane (Human Resources Attività e Servizi Management) in tutti i processi e le attività che forniscono un servizio efficiente e rapido delle risorse umane. PRINCIPALI JOB FUNZIONE: è necessario il ruolo di supportare la funzione HR il ciclo completo delle risorse umane per l'assistenza in tutte le attività HR per la filiale di Londra, pur mantenendo la massima riservatezza su tutte le questioni relative al personale. le responsabilità principali includono ma non si limitano alla gestione delle risorse umane delle attività amministrative, il coordinamento di tutte IHRMS attività per Londra, garantendo la massima precisione dei sistemi HR per il libro paga e la comunicazione aderenza al amp mensile scadenze di rendicontazione trimestrale, nonché le IHRMS gestione Reporting Tool responsabilità fondamentale AREE: HR Systems Management Support attività quotidiane di risorse umane (Risorse umane attività e Servizi Management) Gestione di fatture di ricarica ed ETS Filiali autorizzazioni richieste di amministrazione della squadra di scansione, stampa, controllo fuori, risparmiando in risorse umane condivise cartelle di rete e di archiviazione delle informazioni di reclutamento e altri documenti. Sostenere le attività quotidiane di risorse umane (Risorse Umane Attività e servizi di gestione) requisiti di esperienza HR aziendale all'interno di una società di energia o simili conoscenza della lingua italiana sono benefico, non è essenziale amichevole, organizzato individuale gamma HR Business Partner Stipendio: 40.000 - 50.000 p. a. fx benefici eccellenti Località: Londra, West End Lavorare per questo successo società commerciale generale giapponese, si gestirà la gestione delle parti interessate tra cui la costruzione di relazioni a tutti i livelli si dovrà lavorare per questo successo General Trading (Japans più grande) nel centro di Londra. Principali mansioni e responsabilità la gestione delle parti interessate tra cui la costruzione di relazioni a tutti i livelli tutti gli aspetti di reclutamento, tra cui la fornitura di assistenza ai manager nella definizione di ruoli e responsabilità, di collegamento con le agenzie e la negoziazione dei termini, interviste ecc relazioni dipendenti 8211 consulenza, gestire e fornire una guida per cliente gestione delle aree delle prestazioni 8211 di sostegno gestori e dipendenti con il nuovo processo di valutazione recentemente lanciato Fornire supporto HR e la guida durante i processi di gestione delle modifiche come la ristrutturazione, trasferimenti TUPE, e licenziamenti Fornire supporto HR ai piani strategici di business e guida i manager su HR migliori pratiche per raggiungere attività mira fornire supporto culturale e di formazione ai manager, tra cui spiegare le procedure di gestione delle risorse umane e diritto del lavoro nel Regno Unito come adeguate qualifiche amministrazione gestione delle risorse umane e di coordinamento e le competenze necessarie conoscenze aggiornate di diritto del lavoro nel Regno Unito ed esperienza pratica nella fornitura di tutti gli aspetti di un HR il servizio generalista a livello di business partner eccellente di comunicazione verbale e scritta competenze capacità di lavorare con i dati sensibili e mantenere la fiducia e la riservatezza gestione del tempo eccellente e capacità organizzative capacità di spiegare, l'influenza, e convincere dirigenti con responsabilità strategiche sulla base delle conoscenze tecniche e la comprensione della cultura problemi capacità di costruire rapporti fino ad includere alto livello di gestione attenzione ai dettagli capacità di applicare tatto e discrezione atteggiamento flessibile per coprire altri compiti competenze IT pratiche di appartenenza Word, PowerPoint ed Excel Chartered del CIPD o di un titolo equivalente esperienza professionale lavorando in un internazionale ambiente di business conoscenza dei costumi giapponesi e la cultura precedente esperienza pratica di TUPE esperienza nello sviluppo di sistemi informatici HR 8211 è davvero auspicabile gamma Treasury Accountant Stipendio: 35.000 - 40.000 pa Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, The City Questo ruolo sarà responsabile per la segnalazione quotidiana di cassa, i pagamenti, la previsione dei flussi di cassa e gestione del rischio dei saldi di cassa EMEA. Il nostro cliente è un molto rispettabile, membro fermo del settore dei servizi finanziari, con sede nella City di Londra. Questo ruolo sarà responsabile per la segnalazione quotidiana di cassa, i pagamenti, la previsione dei flussi di cassa e gestione del rischio dei saldi di cassa EMEA. Il ruolo avrà anche la proprietà per la fine mese di rendicontazione di cassa e banca riconciliazioni della maggior parte delle entità all'interno della regione EMEA. Esso comporterà lo sviluppo di una comprensione esperto di queste aree, sviluppando l'uscita di conseguenza con l'unità amp energia necessaria. Sarà necessario sviluppare forti relazioni all'interno della squadra Finanza EMEA e le altre aree di supporto chiave del business. Dovrà essere capace di mantenere un buon controllo e trasparenza sulle informazioni fornite e per la priorità al lavoro e gestire le scadenze di conseguenza. Una buona comunicazione alla gestione delle finanze sarà cruciale. Principali mansioni e responsabilità: preparazione di rapporti di cassa quotidiane, l'aggiornamento delle previsioni dei flussi di cassa quotidiane per aiutare il processo decisionale gestione e di quantificare i rischi all'interno dei saldi. l'elaborazione dei pagamenti su piattaforme bancarie. Il caricamento di estratti conto bancari in Oracle Cash Management. Responsabile per traffici di valuta per ridurre il rischio di esposizione di valuta e di gestire il rischio di liquidità per le entità EMEA. Preparazione riconciliazioni bancarie su base dailyweekly al fine troviamo mantenere il controllo delle operazioni. Indagare ed elaborare tutte le voci in circolazione in modo tempestivo. Mese riconciliazioni bancarie fine per gli enti del Regno Unito, Ginevra, Madrid, Dubai e Sud Africa. Mese di reporting end per Stewardship Financial report, reporting dei rischi del Gruppo, rapporto FX e Tesoro KPI per la gestione. banking settimanale di assegni ricevuti. Risolvere le query di tesoreria e mantenere i contatti con controparti bancarie. Ciò include l'aggiornamento e la manutenzione dei mandati bancari. Costruire su rapporti bancari regolarmente incontrarsi con controparti bancarie per discutere le questioni e miglioramenti ai servizi. uscite dirette e di revisione delle assistente conti payabletreasury che assistono in tesoreria e prevede la copertura per questo ruolo. Assist di nuova implementazione piattaforma bancaria, compresa l'integrazione con Crediti e debiti. Cashbook journal 8211 una buona comprensione delle scritture contabili necessari. Vari riconciliazioni di bilancio per i principali enti, tra cui Intercompany riconciliazioni. Trattare con le query revisori. Assist con l'archiviazione. Assist con gli sviluppi del team per migliorare la trasmissione e processi, compreso lo sviluppo di KPI segnalazione per valutare le prestazioni e rischi inserita nei saldi di cassa. A cui devono essere consapevoli del rischio, facilmente in grado di identificare i rischi di fronte la società nel corso del rapporto di lavoro giorno per giorno. Sostenere dirigenti con ulteriori analisi per aiutare a identificare l'efficienza e migliori metodi di lavoro per guidare la crescita. Di tanto in tanto vi verrà chiesto di procedere a tutti gli altri compiti ragionevoli come richiesto all'interno di questo ruolo. QUALIFICHE ESPERIENZA amp: Parte qualificata esperienza Accountant - ACTACCACIMA nel precedente ruolo treasuryaccounting preferibile (3-5 anni) forti competenze di Excel essenziali (funzioni complesse, ma le macro non richiesto) Uso di HyperionSmartviewEssbase e Oracle Financials una fascia di reddito Tesoro rivenditore vantaggio: 55.000 - 65.000 p. a. Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, The City Il nostro cliente è parte di una attività di trading globale che commerciano in 7 diversi gruppi di lavoro. Attraverso questi gruppi di lavoro e più di 600 filiali e consociate che servono clienti in tutto il mondo in quasi tutti i settori. Il nostro cliente è parte di una attività di trading globale che commerciano in 7 diversi gruppi di lavoro. Attraverso questi gruppi di lavoro e più di 600 filiali e consociate che servono clienti in tutto il mondo in quasi tutti i settori. Il ruolo esiste all'interno del centro globale Tesoro che forniscono servizi di tesoreria per tutto il gruppo nella regione EMEA. Essi si concentrano su attività di tesoreria, concentrandosi sulla raccolta di finanza per il Gruppo nei mercati dei capitali e la gestione della liquidità per soddisfare le esigenze di tutto il Gruppo EMEA e massimizzare il proprio vantaggio competitivo. attività di tesoreria comprendono la raccolta di fondi attraverso l'emissione di Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN), che sono quotate alla Borsa di Londra, commercial paper transazioni (CP) e prestiti di terze parti. I suoi obiettivi principali sono: Per fornire servizi di tesoreria per il Gruppo in Europa con la capacità di finanziamento della Società. Per ottenere il finanziamento all'ingrosso a prezzi di mercato competitivi attraverso i suoi programmi di CP e EMTN, fornendo agli investitori opportunità flessibili per la distribuzione di fondi. Per costruire portafogli di attività investment grade, che comprende titoli di debito, che producono un più alto tasso di rendimento rispetto al finanziamento Companys, finanziato da una miscela di utili non distribuiti, i prestiti a lungo termine e finanziamento all'ingrosso. Per mantenere una rete di contatti business globale e stabile a Londra e nei mercati europei attraverso la partecipazione attiva in una serie di operazioni finanziarie. Come Tesoro ManagerDealer, i vostri principali compiti e le responsabilità comprenderanno, ma non possono essere limitate a: Asset Liability Management (compresa la gestione di liquidità): Fare depositi alle banche, la raccolta di fondi da banche e mercati dei capitali, tra cui l'emissione di gestione del rischio ECP Forex e l'esecuzione del forex contratti di gestione del rischio di interesse e l'esecuzione di interest swap contratti di gestione Durata eccesso di gestione della liquidità managementCash: pianificazione finanziaria per venire settimane giorno di prestito giorno e deposito accettazione tofrom società del gruppo esistenti di monitoraggio Finance Group (compresa la preparazione e la gestione dei pertinenti implementazione e la manutenzione di un efficace accordo gestione della liquidità Consigli systemFinancial a società del gruppo: Consulenza di questioni connesse finanza in linea con la politica del gruppo di tesoreria (sia finanza gruppo correlato e non correlato) L'introduzione di istituti finanziari a sostegno disposizione finanza e negoziazione con partiesReporting esterna e amministrazione: Fare rapporti dailymonthlyquarterly e ad-hoc materiali incontro di preparazione e manutenzione di documentazioni rilevanti lavora amministrativo per essere compatibile con regulationsQUALIFICATIONS finanziarie ed esperienza: comprovata esperienza in una Financial Services (proprie o bancario) ambiente con l'esposizione ai prodotti di tesoreria. competenze avanzate informatiche tra cui Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Summit e Bloomberg dell'Università di laurea o equivalente in Finanza, Tesoreria, Business o Economia lunga esperienza di lavoro nel dipartimento finanziario di istituzioni sociali o finanziarie, che riguardano in particolare nell'ambito delle attività di tesoreria tra cui la gestione di cassa e inter-aziendale prestito eccellente abilità numeriche e analitiche conoscenza della gestione della liquidità, il mercato finanziario e bancario processi gamma Tesoro Direttore Stipendio: 55.000 - 65.000 pa Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, The City Il nostro cliente è parte di una attività di trading globale che commerciano in 7 diversi gruppi di lavoro. Attraverso questi gruppi di lavoro e più di 600 filiali e consociate che servono clienti in tutto il mondo in quasi tutti i settori. Il nostro cliente è parte di una attività di trading globale che commerciano in 7 diversi gruppi di lavoro. Attraverso questi gruppi di lavoro e più di 600 filiali e consociate che servono clienti in tutto il mondo in quasi tutti i settori. Il ruolo esiste all'interno del centro globale Tesoro che forniscono servizi di tesoreria per tutto il gruppo nella regione EMEA. Essi si concentrano su attività di tesoreria, concentrandosi sulla raccolta di finanza per il Gruppo nei mercati dei capitali e la gestione della liquidità per soddisfare le esigenze di tutto il Gruppo EMEA e massimizzare il proprio vantaggio competitivo. attività di tesoreria comprendono la raccolta di fondi attraverso l'emissione di Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN), che sono quotate alla Borsa di Londra, commercial paper transazioni (CP) e prestiti di terze parti. I suoi obiettivi principali sono: Per fornire servizi di tesoreria per il Gruppo in Europa con la capacità di finanziamento della Società. Per ottenere il finanziamento all'ingrosso a prezzi di mercato competitivi attraverso i suoi programmi di CP e EMTN, fornendo agli investitori opportunità flessibili per la distribuzione di fondi. Per costruire portafogli di attività investment grade, che comprende titoli di debito, che producono un più alto tasso di rendimento rispetto al finanziamento Companys, finanziato da una miscela di utili non distribuiti, i prestiti a lungo termine e finanziamento all'ingrosso. Per mantenere una rete di contatti business globale e stabile a Londra e nei mercati europei attraverso la partecipazione attiva in una serie di operazioni finanziarie. Come Treasury Manager, i vostri principali compiti e le responsabilità comprenderanno, ma non possono essere limitate a: Asset Liability Management (compresa la gestione di liquidità): Fare depositi alle banche, la raccolta di fondi da banche e mercati dei capitali, tra cui l'emissione di gestione del rischio ECP Forex e l'esecuzione del forex contratti di gestione del rischio di interesse e l'esecuzione di interest swap contratti di gestione Durata eccesso di gestione della liquidità managementCash: pianificazione finanziaria per venire settimane giorno di prestito giorno e deposito accettazione tofrom società del gruppo esistenti di monitoraggio Finance Group (compresa la preparazione e la gestione dei pertinenti implementazione e la manutenzione di un efficace accordo gestione della liquidità Consigli systemFinancial a società del gruppo: Consulenza di questioni connesse finanza in linea con la politica del gruppo di tesoreria (sia finanza gruppo correlato e non correlato) L'introduzione di istituti finanziari a sostegno disposizione finanza e negoziazione con partiesReporting esterna e amministrazione: Fare rapporti dailymonthlyquarterly e ad-hoc materiali incontro di preparazione e manutenzione di documentazioni rilevanti lavora amministrativo per essere compatibile con regulationsQUALIFICATIONS finanziarie ed esperienza: comprovata esperienza in una Financial Services (proprie o bancario) ambiente con l'esposizione ai prodotti di tesoreria. competenze avanzate informatiche tra cui Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Summit e Bloomberg dell'Università di laurea o equivalente in Finanza, Tesoreria, Business o Economia lunga esperienza di lavoro nel dipartimento finanziario di istituzioni sociali o finanziarie, che riguardano in particolare nell'ambito delle attività di tesoreria tra cui la gestione di cassa e inter-aziendale prestito eccellente abilità numeriche e analitiche conoscenza della gestione della liquidità, il mercato finanziario e bancario processi indiretta commercialista fiscale fascia di reddito: 55.000 - 70.000 pa Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, West End Siamo alla ricerca di un esperto commercialista fiscale indiretta di aderire a un gruppo con sede in Londra, con una buona comprensione di Energia e ambiente Commodity idealmente maturata all'interno di una società OilEnergyCommodity commerciale, l'utilità di energia o di FI. Il nostro cliente è una casa Commodity Trading con una portata veramente globale. Siamo alla ricerca di un esperto commercialista fiscale indiretta di aderire a un gruppo con sede in Londra, in grado di dimostrare un fiducioso, la personalità simpatica con una buona comprensione di Energia e ambiente Commodity idealmente maturata all'interno di una società OilEnergyCommodity commerciale, l'utilità di energia o di FI. Insieme con l'Assistente IVA completi varie dichiarazioni IVA internazionali e le riconciliazioni conto fiscale associati per garantire la conformità e monitorexplain eventuali variancesfluctuations di queste relazioni al Gestore fiscale. Sorvegliare e mentore l'Assistente fiscale nel loro lavoro conformità e nel fornire supporto amministrativo al Team fiscale in relazione ai vari progetti in fase di sviluppo e la raccolta, raccolta e produzione di dischi, la documentazione e le relazioni necessarie durante le fasi di sviluppo e di attuazione del progetto. Assicurare l'accuratezza delle accise e dazi doganali di reporting nei vari paesi. Preparare i rendimenti Intrastat e la lista delle vendite CE in vari paesi. Fornire i commercianti e gli operatori con l'IVA internazionale e dei costumi e la consulenza in materia di accise transactionscontracts. contratti recensione di negoziazione per l'accuratezza delle clausole IVA e customsexcise internazionali e identificare tali costi l'azienda dovrà sostenere. Interagisci con altre squadre, se necessario, di raccogliere e documentare la preparazione di tutte le informazioni necessarie da parte del team di imposta. Collaborare con le autorità doganali di uno fornire informazioni dove richiesto o di contestare valutazioni dove richiesto. Lavorare con il Gestore imposte come parte del processo di gestione del progetto, proponendo esigenze imposte indirette e soluzioni in relazione ai progetti. Mentor e sviluppare assistente IVA nel loro ruolo. Istruzione amp esperienza Requisiti: CTA è qualificato esperienza significativa in International IVA segnalazione particolare, per quanto riguarda la fornitura di beni all'interno dell'UE, nonché dazi doganali internazionali. La conoscenza del settore petrolifero e dalle accise sarebbe un vantaggio, ma non è essenziale. Conoscenza approfondita e l'esperienza di trattare con registrazioni multiple IVA dell'UE e la conformità associato segnalazione particolare per quanto riguarda la fornitura di beni. Buona esperienza di utilizzo di sistemi contabili e commerciali da un punto di vista internazionale IVA reporting in relazione a beni e servizi (soprattutto merci). In relazione ai sistemi di contabilità, esperienza SAP preferito. E 'essenziale che il candidato di successo è dimestichezza con le procedure riconciliazioni conto fiscale, così come la preparazione dichiarazione IVA e il lavoro di consulenza. Buona esperienza di utilizzo di entrambi i pacchetti software di Microsoft Word ed Excel. Base conoscenza fiscale del Regno Unito Corporation sarebbe di beneficio, ma non è essenziale. Esperienza nell'utilizzo di SAP è un advantage. Skill Imposta ottime capacità relazionali e di comunicazione. Altamente organizzato con una buona attenzione al dettaglio. Capacità e impegno a fornire un servizio flessibile e reattivo per il business. Capacità di input e recuperare i dati in modo accurato e semplificare i processi dove richiesto. Capacità di pensare rapidamente e fornire pratici, consulenza commerciale. La capacità di pensare e presentare soluzioni alternative a problemi complessi. Credit Risk Analyst gamma Stipendio: 45.000 - 55.000 p. a. Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, West End Siamo alla ricerca di un analista di credito esperto di aderire a un gruppo con sede in Londra, con una buona comprensione di energia, mercati delle materie prime e dei prodotti derivati ​​idealmente maturata all'interno di una società OilEnergyCommodity commerciale, l'utilità di energia o di FI. Il nostro cliente è una casa Commodity Trading con una portata veramente globale. Siamo alla ricerca di un analista di credito esperto di aderire a un gruppo con sede in Londra, in grado di dimostrare un fiducioso, la personalità simpatica con una buona comprensione di energia, mercati delle materie prime e dei prodotti derivati ​​idealmente guadagnato all'interno di una società OilEnergyCommodity commerciale, l'utilità di energia o di FI. Come avrete collegamento regolare con Front Office, comunicazioni forti sono essenziali, così come la capacità di imparare velocemente e prendere l'iniziativa di ampliare la conoscenza. Come Credit Analyst vostre responsabilità principali includeranno, ma non possono essere limitate a: Analyse, valutare e quantificare il profilo di rischio di credito di una sola controparte e di un portafoglio di controparti in una vasta gamma di settori e giurisdizioni. Valutare la solvibilità di una controparte Analizzare i rischi inerenti alle operazioni fisiche e derivati. Determinare livello accettabile di esposizione e limite nel rispetto delle procedure interne. Coordinare con Front, Middle e Back Office, Gestione, Finanza Strutturata, Trade Finance, Legale e Compliance per garantire una gestione efficace dei rischi. Monitorare, gestire e segnalare l'esposizione garantire che i sistemi siano aggiornati. Negoziare compensazione accordi (MNA, ISDA, EFET), accordo di marginazione, documentazione di supporto del credito e le garanzie della capogruppo. Eseguire ricerche ad hoc analisi amp gestire progetti relativi credito come richiesto. Partecipare a eventi di credito e interagire con i coetanei. Competenze chiave ed esperienza: lavoro basato dell'esperienza acquisita analisi del credito in un contesto di mercato Oil Company, le materie prime Trading Company, utility energia, casa di ricerca ente creditizio o finanziario. Grado di istruzione (o equivalente) con sfondo in finanza, contabilità o business administration. La comprensione di energia, mercati delle materie prime e dei prodotti derivati. L'esperienza nel coprire almeno uno dei seguenti settori: settori del gas amp olio libera, la raffinazione o. Forte capacità di analisi e di comunicazione. Capacità di apprendere velocemente e prendere l'iniziativa di ampliare la conoscenza hisher. capacità organizzative forti e la capacità di gestire più compiti contemporaneamente. L'esperienza in ISDA negoziazione, EFET, MNA, accordo dei margini e parent company guarantee. Capacità di lavorare in gruppo e di impegnarsi con gli altri è essenziale. capacità avanzate di Excel. Altre lingue sono un vantaggio. Controllo della conformità Ufficiale (12 mesi di contratto) fascia di reddito: 35.000 - 40.000 p. a. Vantaggi Località: Londra, Victoria si sosterrà il Capo di conformità UK anziano Compliance Manager per assicurare che il Gruppo è conforme a tutti i requisiti normativi, legali e industria corpo posto su di esso da parte di tutti i authoritiesacts appropriati. Il mio cliente, una banca privata stanno cercando di reclutare nella loro squadra di conformità. 12 mesi di contratto che sosterrà il Capo di conformità amp UK senior Compliance Manager per assicurare che il Gruppo è conforme a tutti i requisiti normativi, legali e industria corpo posto su di esso da parte di tutti i authoritiesacts appropriati. Segnalazione per il Regno Unito senior Compliance Manager, i principali compiti del titolare del posto è quello di eseguire, sotto la guida del programma Sulla base Compliance Risk Monitoring UK senior Compliance Manager, Regno Unito, che copre tutte le aree del business banche, tra cui banche e gestione degli investimenti. Il ruolo oltre a svolgere il lavoro sul campo necessaria comprende la produzione di relazioni di monitoraggio, la registrazione dei punti di azione concordati e successivamente seguito con aree di business rilevanti per assicurare la tempestiva risoluzione di quei problemi identificati affrontare così i problemi derivanti dalle recensioni di compliance. Come parte di un piccolo team di conformità ci sarà l'opportunità di essere coinvolti con problemi di conformità più ampie, se del caso, tra cui le attività di formazione, di consulenza e di politica, come indicato dal Regno Unito senior Compliance Manager e Responsabile di Group Compliance Per sostenere e aiutare a gestire il l'attuazione della politica di conformità gruppi di supporto al monitoraggio delle violazioni ed errori e prendere la legge azione corretta come punto di riferimento all'interno del business e applicare norme e principi Garantire che le informazioni sulla normativa e le linee guida di buone prassi e registrato e recensione Garantire i reclami vengono esaminati e mantenere un movimentazione Sostenere la revisione delle procedure aziendali, manuali e politiche reclami annualmente monitorare gli sviluppi al di fuori del settore più ampio dei servizi finanziari e del settore rispetto Assist con la revisione e appone la propria firma di tutto il materiale scritto come gamma newsletter e brochure di marketing Stipendio: 25.000 - 32.000 pa Vantaggi Località: Londra, West End Una filiale di una società commerciale giapponese sono attualmente reclutando per qualcuno per assistere il Segretario Office Manager e Executive con mansioni di segreteria. Il mio cliente, una consociata di una società commerciale giapponese sono attualmente reclutando per qualcuno per assistere il Segretario Office Manager e Executive con mansioni di segreteria. Per fornire servizi di segreteria e amministrativi per la gestione coordinare e gestire le modalità per riunioni e conferenze per fornire supporto amministrativo ad hoc per i visitatori per l'ufficio e partner commerciali internazionali, salutare e schermo visitatori in arrivo in modo professionale e tempestivamente persona adatta l'arrivo ospiti. Per organizzare alberghi, biglietti aerei e auto per i viaggi di lavoro dei manager filtrare le chiamate telefoniche e inoltrare messaggi Facilitare giorno per questioni di lavoro al giorno attraverso la comunicazione professionale e di collegamento con le parti interessate Programma completo settimanale viaggio d'affari. Partecipare alle riunioni settimanali con i dipartimenti associati, e di riferire al CEO. Per mantenere i record di assenza festivoaltri, aiutare a mantenere i documenti per il DTC politica interna, Business Plan crisi e qualsiasi attività ad hoc. Per mantenere la base di dati Companys utilizzando Excel preparare i documenti, lettere e materiali di presentazione utilizzando Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint per mantenere i contatti con fornitori e clienti per garantire il buon assestamento delle fatture e pagamenti. Preparare e provvedere al pagamento delle fatture e spese viaggio d'affari a assistere squadra con note spese, schede attività e altre attività come richiesto. Per aiutare nella gestione dell'ufficio e gli eventuali costi relativi uffici (affitto, tariffe, tasse di servizio, acquisti, ecc). Per assistere con tutte le questioni relative IT e comunicare con i fornitori di servizi IT, IT department presso Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) e la squadra DTC. Monitorare IT l'accesso dei entranti ed uscenti. Mantenere e monitorare i costi per l'IT. Per assistere con questioni di controllo interno e di comunicare con tutti Dipartimento necessario in MCIE forte capacità di comunicazione verbale e scritta in lingua inglese di Microsoft Office WORDEXCELPOWER POINT a livello almeno intermedio Capacità flessibile e facilitante per stabilire e sviluppare relazioni con abilità gli altri a lavorare in modo indipendente e come parte di una capacità squadra di lavorare su propria iniziativa L'alto livello di organizzazione, la precisione e l'attenzione al dettaglio richiesto. Capacità di priorità e lavorare entro i termini. Capacità di lavorare con calma e metodo sotto pressione maggiore gamma contratti commerciali Advisor Stipendio: 55.000 - 61.000 p. a. Prestazioni supplementari Località: Londra, West End Il nostro cliente è un commerciante fisica di prodotti materie prime e dell'energia, tra cui, gas, prodotti di alimentazione e di olio e prodotti derivati ​​associati. La campagna è stata progettata per garantire l'interesse di un professionista con esperienza con un forte ParalegalContracts sfondo, che può effettuare la seguente serie di responsabilità Il nostro cliente è un commerciante fisica di prodotti materie prime e dell'energia, tra cui, gas, prodotti di alimentazione e di petrolio e prodotti derivati ​​associati . La campagna è stata progettata per garantire l'interesse di un professionista con esperienza con un forte ParalegalContracts sfondo, che può svolgere la seguente serie di responsabilità: In qualità di Senior Commercial Advisor avrà le seguenti responsabilità: Fornire consulenza contrattuale proattivo, supporto paralegale e commerciale contrattuale generale consigli alle squadre di negoziazione e le funzioni di supporto. risoluzione rapida e comunicazione di eventuali discrepanze di ingresso affare di notifica di controllo del prodotto, di mercato e Trading. Evidenziare ai commercianti i rischi finanziari e commerciali potenziali associati con la loro attività e garantire tutti i contratti e gli accordi sono robustamente redatti, adatto allo scopo, e servono a meglio proteggere i beni della società. Rivedere tutte le offerte prima di fare offerte presentazione ed evidenziare ai commercianti i termini chiave della società sarebbe stata contratta per in caso di un'offerta di successo. Rivedere tutte le offerte termine prima dell'esecuzione con i commercianti, mettendo in evidenza i rischi chiave nei contratti per i commercianti. Rivedere i termini e le condizioni generali di terzi e raccomandazioni per la modifica costruire una libreria di concordati (accettabile) modifiche dei contratti con ciascuna controparte assistere e consigliare le squadre commerciali nella negoziazione, accordi contrattuali su misura più complesse. Risolvere le controversie contrattuali con le controparti, in collegamento con giuridica e commerciale, se necessario. Comprendere i problemi di conformità controlli critiche che interessano traffici rilevanti e segnalazione potenziali problemi. Assumersi la responsabilità per il controllo e mantenere tutta la documentazione utile relativa al mestieri, che sono di competenza determinato, tra cui assicurare il rispetto da parte degli operatori entro i limiti di DOA e con tutti i requisiti di controllo in materia di affrontare l'ingresso e l'autorizzazione della documentazione commerciale. EDUCATION amp QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED : Highly literate with an excellent academic record Degree in Finance CommercialMathematics or equivalent Strong paralegal background Will need to be able to work quickly and accurately on a large volume of work with prompt deadlines Should be confident working with complex documentation and any previous contractual or trading background may be advantageous Direct relevant experience from within a physical Energy Trading environment. Desk Assistant Salary range: 25,000 - 28,000 p. a. fx benefits Location: London, West End Our client is a London based Broking firm. Working as a Desk Assistant, the role will provide support to the Commodity desks youre responsibilities will include, but may not be limited to: Our client is a London based Broking firm. Working as a Desk Assistant, the role will provide support to the Commodity desks youre responsibilities will include, but may not be limited to: Ensuring timely input of trades into trading systemsexchange ICE, Clearport etc. Resolving any trade queries received from back office, Traders, ICE and CME ensuring any trade discrepancies are resolved in a timely manner. Keeping trade records up to date on excel. Updating excel with mark to market data in preparation for distribution of this data to Bloomberg. Provide support to brokers to ensure all confirmations prepared by back office are sent out to traders with accurate trade details and within relevant timescales agreed with the client. Working on various projects for brokers and traders. Providing re-cap trade details to brokers and traders on a daily basis from excel spreadsheet. Giving live quotes to traders via yahoo messenger and through the Reuters messaging system. Monitoring markets and following financial news and developments. Liaising with clients both on the telephone and face to face to provide a reliable and efficient broking service. Providing complete support to the brokers for the smooth running of the desk. ESSENTIAL CRITERIA: Previous experience with Tradeport is advantageous Educated to a minimum GCSE level or above Strong communication skills both written and verbal Confident, professional manner, able to communicate with senior management is essential. Experienceknowledge of Commodity products including Oil (Brent, WTI, Fuel Oil etc.)It is would be advantageous, but not essential if the successful applicant has passed the following exams: Unit 1 FSA Financial Regulation Unit 3 FSA Derivatives Graduate 8211 Front Office Quantitative (1 year Contract) Salary range: 20,000 - 30,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: London, The City Our client is a Energy Company, active in the UK electricity, natural gas and environmental markets. Our client is a Energy Company, active in the UK electricity, natural gas and environmental markets Data analysis in support of front office activities (including pricing, fundamental and quantitative analysis, reporting to both internal and external customers) Developing a good understanding of industry data flows (electricity and gas) and provide support to the operations team Ad hoc research (energy market, regulation, etc.) University degree (master level or equivalent in an analytical degree, e. g. Maths, Physics, Finance, Engineering, Computer Science, etc.) Excellent Microsoft Excel, VBA and SQL skills Knowledge of a modern object oriented programming language is advantageous Solutions oriented Good attention to detail Eager to learn and develop within the energy industry, and as part of team of experienced energy professionals Senior Macro Accountant Salary range: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: London, West End To perform the financial accounting, management reporting, budgeting and financial control functions for the Global Macro and FX trading business. To perform the financial accounting, management reporting, budgeting and financial control functions for the Global Macro and FX trading business To be a central point of contact for finance across the globe for Macro and FX To maintain and enhance relationships with the business front office To provide monthly analysis of the drivers of gross profit, overhead costs and working capital To develop and maintain an effective and efficient month-end process To manage the junior macro accountant and assist them with their day to day work. Context: Our Client is a highly successful commodity supply and trading business with a strong emerging markets focus. The company is a global business, with strategically placed offices across the global Trading hubs. The company trades across many commodities including Oil, Power amp Gas, LNG and Metals. The Macro business operates predominantly out of the UK and Asia offices, looking at onshore offshore arbitrages, and leveraging off the onshore presence in markets like Asia and South America. This is a challenging role for an ambitious and hard-working professional, who thrives in a team and who has the potential to grow with the business. The global nature of the role means that we require an individual who will be proactive and demonstrate independent thought, prioritise effectively and communicate very well, and who has the flexibility and competence to deal with a range of different issues concurrently. Perform the monthly reconciliation of data from the trading and treasury management systems into the accounting system to ensure data is complete and accurate Perform the accounting for the Macro and FX profit generating units in accordance with IFRS Assist with the final stages of the new trading system implementation Maintain the mapping (ledger, treasury and trading systems) and control of trade flows associated with the FX arbitrage deals Identify opportunities to make the month-end process more efficient and help to deliver these initiatives Be a central point of contact and global coordinator for Macro and FX finance Support the business by providing reporting and analysis to help it understand its costs and working capital balances Assist the Financial Controller to perform the business partner role for the global Macro and FX trading teams Liaise frequently with other functions such as Middle Office, Operations and IT to help ensure integrity of data in the GL Prepare accurate documentation for the external auditors, answering their queries in a timely manner and assisting with the statutory accounts process Prepare analytical reviews of the PampL and Balance Sheet and perform actual to budget analysis Ensure key balance sheet integrity controls are performed to a high standard Support other finance activities and initiatives as required. Education and Qualifications Qualified accountant (ACA or equivalent) with strong academics i. e.1st or 2.1 degree or equivalent. Experience A proven track record with experience gained from working in a trading or banking organisation dealing with financial products. Commodities trading experience not essential but preferred. The individual should have experience of the following: Performing a month end accountant role Balance Sheet integrity controls Preparation of group reporting requirements Reporting under IFRS Accounting for derivatives and IAS39 Sun GL and Hyperion consolidation systems (not essential but preferred) Sophis trading system (not essential but preferred) Skills Overall high energy and drive to succeed Strong communication skills Can work productively under pressure Strong attention to detail and takes pride in accuracy of own work Able to demonstrate a practical approach to solving problems in new and different accounting areas Strong systemsprocess skills and focus Strong time management and able to prioritise effectively Quick learner Highly numerate with strong analytical ability Good technical accounting knowledge Market Risk Analyst 8211 Gas, Power 038 Emissions Salary range: 60,000 - 65,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: London, Victoria SW1 Our client is one of the leading integrated energy companies with activities in exploration, production, transport, and marketing of oil and natural gas. Our client is one of the leading integrated energy companies with activities in exploration, production, transport, and marketing of oil and natural gas. market risk measuring and analytics supporting the activities related to development and improvement of Middle Office function with the capability to value, monitor and risk manage a range of traded gas, power, emissions and LNG products on different markets assisting the team leader in operational tasks and management of projects dealing with ad hoc requests related to risk analytics for the whole Middle Office carry out analysis on the energy markets in which the business operates and develop useful risk framework for the activity maintain a good knowledge of market conditions through the use of provided tools and develop or indicate the forward price curves needed to re-evaluate the positions perform daily P038L and VaR calculations together with full explanation structure the whole risk and P038L reporting maintain good knowledge of risk metrics manage ad hoc risk analysis monitor procedural compliance identify and support process improvements interface and support Front Office in daily activities and in the development of new market opportunities interface with IT to develop and update Middle Office systems interface with BO to support P038L reconciliation and accounting support the team leader in coordinating the team and the activities. SpecialisationsCoursesMembership of professional associations Strong academic credentials to degree level at least, with a mathematical specialisation Solid knowledge of the subject and a relevant experience of 5 years in trading environment are compulsory Strong knowledge and understanding of energy markets and the financial instruments commonly used for risk management for gas, power and emissions (LNG knowledge is a nice to have). An understanding of energy options, their applications in the energy markets and the metrics used to risk manage them. A good foundation in market risk measurement including Value at Risk (VAR) and stress testing Strong Excel skills with macros and VBA knowledge and experience working with ENDUR or other Risk Management tools. Analytical mind, strategic thinking and practical problem solving Flexible and adaptable attitude Business development attitude (with honesty and integrity) Innovation, pro-activity and efficiency, dedication and result oriented approach to work Good attention to detail, organised, structured and logical Good communication skills and comfortable approaching front office on risk related issues Ability to build and nurture effective relationships internally and externally Flexibility and adaptability to work in rapidly changing environment, be self-disciplined and stress resilient Team worker and experience in working in an international and multi-location organization. Assistant Accountant Salary range: 30,000 - 40,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: The City, London Our client is a retail trader and Marine fuels broker with a global presence. As Assistant Accountant, you will work closely with the Finance Manager Our client is a retail trader and Marine fuels broker with a global presence. As Assistant Accountant, you will work closely with the Finance Manager and be employed on a Permanent basis. The successful candidate will be a pro-active, hands-on accountant who will enjoy working as part of a small, friendly and hard-working team. Working within a team of 3, providing assistance to the Finance Manager Double entry book keeping Payroll assistance (must have an understanding of payroll and experience of administering payroll via a bureau) AP and AR management Banking and payment runs EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIREMENTS: AAT Qualified (Or equivalent) System: Great Plains Dynamics Excellent Microsoft Excel skills Excellent reconciliation skills, to a complex level Fluent English Language skills. ComplianceKYC Analyst Salary range: 30,000 - 35,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London Seeking a keen, enthusiastic, hardworking candidate with previous work based KYC Analysis experience, who is eager to embrace new challenges in the compliance and control area of a successful Commodity trading company. Our Client is a world leading, Commodity Trading house with a truly global reach with offices in excess of 30 countries We are seeking a keen, enthusiastic, hardworking candidate with previous work based KYC Analysis experience, who is eager to embrace new challenges in the compliance and control area of a successful Commodity trading company. The successful candidate will join the existing Compliance team and will be able to demonstrate Know Your Customer (KYC) analysis experience. The key responsibilities will be to: Conduct thorough KYC due diligence on counterparties Ensure effective compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards in reviewing new and existing counterparties. Escalate all concerns and issues as appropriate. Influence and initiates improvements to current processes. Maintain and enhances effective interaction and communication with other units business areas. Maintain accurate and complete KYCAML due diligence records on new and existing counterparties and ensures that relevant databases are updated to reflect completion of review and relevant details. Prioritise work and balance his her time in ensuring that all assignments are completed in a timely manner and meet expectations SKILL SETS, EDUCATION 038 EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Educated to degree level as a minimum requirement KYC analysis experience 8211 minimum 2 years Good technical understanding of the UK and international KYC AML rules and regulations Experience of working within the oil industry is an advantage Experienced at working with a high level of trust and integrity. A common sense, team based approach to working. High level of accuracy, attention to detail, organization, analysis and meticulous approach. Excellent communication skills. Must be able to work effectively in a team. Must be capable of working with significant autonomy but be able to ask questions to cement understanding. Operational Risk Analyst (4 month Contract) Salary range: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London Reporting to the Operational Risk Manager you will complete a 4 month contract role with the following responsibilities: Support the identification assessment of major operational risks across core commercial operational activities through co-ordination execution of the Incidental tracker currency of report folders Our client is a trader of Commodity and Energy products including, Gas, Power and Oil products. The campaign is designed to secure the interest of an experienced Operational Risk Business Change professional. Reporting to the Operational Risk Manager you will complete a 4 month contract role with the following responsibilities: Support the identification 038 assessment of major operational risks across core commercial 038 operational activities through co-ordination 038 execution of the Incidental tracker 038 currency of report folders 8211 Deliver segregation of Duties policy 038 maintain segregation of Duties Matrix 8211 Execute system job security access permissions process procedure 8211 Review active permissions 038 test permissions for exceptions non conformance Business process 038 procedure KPI 038 KRI: 8211 Review 038 update the KPIKI Dashboard, maintain reporting 038 process data integrity 8211 Deliver regular KPIKRI analysis 038 presentation Extract Risk insights 038 present learnings Management 038 maintenance of New Business Assurance process, its tracker 038 returns folders Write trading processes 038 procedure, providing flow charts 038 supporting documentation ensures policies, procedures 038 processes are followed 038 understood. Execute 038 contributes to the framework 038 process for ongoing Design 038 Effectiveness testing of key controls. This includes the establishment 038 monitoring of corrective action plans: 8211 Deliver 038 maintain appropriate processes 038 control 038 maintain process 038 controls register 8211 Deliver insight 038 education 038 engagement on company processes 038 controls 038 risk issues 8211 Contribute to 038 Maintain Risk 038 Controls Matrix tracks performances against agreed metrics 8211 Conduct process 038 controls testing Ensure visibility of process performance 038 issues Coordinate internal audit responses to observations to address the weaknesses identified Work closely with all business 038 support functions 038 departments Works closely with all other Risk functions including Compliance Degree in Finance internal controlBusiness Change or equivalent Degree level: Accounting Audit Business Control MS Office Tools Mature data analysis 038 presentation skills Business Governance 038 Operation Deep business sector understanding 038 capability Energy Trading Management environment (Oil, Gas, LNG, Power etc.) in Middle Office or Financial Control or Business Change functions Developed understanding of application markets, commodities, structures 038 instruments. Mature interpersonal skill, ability to initiate 038 work with wider teams Confident, Self-motivated, approachable, listens 038 seeks to confirm Ability to understand requirements 038 deliver requirements 8220Specialist8221 038 8220Completer Finisher8221 capabilities Shipping Operations Manager Salary range: 70,000 - 75,000 p. a. Excellent Benefits fx Location: West End, London We are seeking an experienced Shipping Operations Team LeaderManager with a strong understanding of Oil fundamentals, products, grades, qualities, geopolitical environmental influence on the commodity trading markets Our client is a Commodity Trading and marketing firm (Oil, Gas 038 Power) based in central London. Working within a 8220boutique8221 trading environment, you will have great interaction with Stakeholders (Front Office, Risk, external counterparts etc) and you will benefit from a culture which is ambitious, and is still actively growing as a business We are seeking an experienced Shipping Operations Team LeaderManager with a strong understanding of Oil fundamentals, products, grades, qualities, geopolitical 038 environmental influence on the commodity trading markets. Responsibilities will include buy may not be limited to: Team Leader for shipping operations department across specialized, products, crude and LNG desks. Vets tonnage offered to chartering department via online vetting system. Plans, anticipates, prepares and executes voyage instructions to spot and time chartered tonnage. Nominates and or appoints ships Agents, coordinates and monitors cargo and shipping operations. Maintains close attention to operational risks that may increase demurrage exposure. Complies with shipping department 8216Check List to ensure company policy and procedures are adhered to. Coordinates and cooperates closely with all inter-company departments such as oil operations and treasury and, similarly with other third party service providers such as ships Agents and shipbrokers. Understands the limitations and restrictions for marine infrastructure at refineries. Checks and approves freight and other shipping related invoices for accuracy and compliance with company procedures and delegations of authority. Prepares lay time statement for accruals purposes. Prepares and maintain basic Excel spreadsheets where required. Assists in the preparation of weekly management reports. Maintaining awareness of the business context and company profitability, including budgetary control issues. Ensures all shipping deadlines and priority cut-off times are met. EXPERIENCE 038 QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Degree in Shipping Commerce Logistics Management or qualified by experience. Understanding oil fundamentals, products, grades, qualities, geopolitical and environmental influence on commodity markets. Previous experience in a similar role OR previous experience as trader with practical expertise in shipping. Minimum 3 years relevant experience with ship-owners, charterers or shipbrokers. Strong leadership and discipline skills required. Committed team player with 8216can do 8211 will do attitude. Flexible approach. Available out of office hours. Be able to multi-task and perform excellent communication, supervisory and customer service skills. Be able to identify problems and resolve in a timely manner. Possess a sense of urgency and ability to prioritize tasks and resources appropriately. Promote an environment conducive to maximum employee morale, productivity, and effectiveness. Be proficient with MS Office and operational systemssoftware. Structured Products Senior Risk Analyst Salary range: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. (Negotiable) fx Benefits Location: West End, London Supporting the activities related to setting up the Structured Products function within the Middle office and Assisting in providing the Company with the capability to value, monitor and risk manage a range of asset-backed structured products that will be managed by its Front office Our client is one of the leading integrated energy companies with activities in exploration, production, transport, and marketing of oil and natural gas. Supporting the activities related to setting up the Structured Products function within the Middle office Assisting in providing the Company with the capability to value, monitor and risk manage a range of asset-backed structured products that will be managed by its Front office Dealing with an ad hoc requests related to risk analytics for the whole of Middle office. Responsibility areas To investigate and challenge pricing models, both internal and third party, that are proposed for valuing and risk managing asset-backed structured products. This may involve writing proprietary models for benchmarking and checking proposed pricers To liaise with both front and back offices on the choice of valuation methods and the reasons for their selection To propose and implement provisioning methodologies for structured products To propose and develop methodologies and tools for calculating risk measures appropriate to the various commodity markets, and to work closely with individuals in MO commodity functions (e. g. MO Gas, Power, CO2 and MO Oil) in order to effect consistent implementation. Close liaison with the finance department will also be required. To develop risk management processes for regular monitoring and reporting of structured products and their associated hedges, and to implement these processes. This could involve writing programs in order to streamline and automate them To produce standard Middle Office reports on structured products, including P038L and explanation, VaR, limit reports To improve risk analytics for the whole middle office, including stress testing and scenario analysis SpecialisationsCoursesMembership of professional associations Strong academic credentials to degree level at least, with a mathematical specialisation Technical skills Experience And Good Understanding Of Energy Markets And The Financial Instruments Commonly Used In Oil, Gas, Power And Emissions Markets Experience And Understanding Of Commodity Options On Physical Assets, Especially Gas Storage And Swing. Good Understanding Of Risk Management Concepts Such As Value-At-Risk, Stress Testing, Scenario Analysis And Liquidity Adjusted VaR Practical Experience In One Or More Of The Following Sectors: Banking, Energy And Finance Thorough Understanding Of Options And The Mathematics Involved In Their Pricing Track Record In Developing Mathematical Models For Option Pricing Computer skills Solid experience in object oriented computer programming Good knowledge of Excel and VBA programming Other experiences Highly organised, structured and analytical, with practical problem solving skills Business development attitude (with honesty and integrity) Innovative and efficient dedicated and results orientated Excellent negotiation and communication skills, with the ability to build and nurture effective relationships internally and externally Attention to internal procedures and policy compliance Flexibility and adaptability to work in a rapidly changing environment Self-disciplined and stress resilient Experience in working in an international, multi-locational organization Senior Market Risk Analyst 8211 Gas 038 Power Salary range: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. Excellent fx Benefits Location: West End, London Supporting the activities related to development and improvement of middle office function with the capability to value, monitor and risk manage a range of traded gas, power, emissions and LNG products on different markets Assisting the team leader in operational tasks and management of projects Our client is one of the leading integrated energy companies with activities in exploration, production, transport, and marketing of oil and natural gas. Market risk measuring and analytics Supporting the activities related to development and improvement of middle office function with the capability to value, monitor and risk manage a range of traded gas, power, emissions and LNG products on different markets Assisting the team leader in operational tasks and management of projects Dealing with ad hoc requests related to risk analytics for the whole middle office Responsibility areas Carry out analysis on the energy markets in which the business operates and develop useful risk framework for the activity Maintain a good knowledge of market conditions through the use of provided tools and develop or indicate the forward price curves needed to re-evaluate the positions Perform daily P038L and VAR calculations together with full explanation Structure the whole risk and P038L reporting Maintain good knowledge of risk metrics Manage ad hoc risk analysis Monitor procedural compliance Identify and support process improvements Interface and support Front Office in daily activities and in the development of new market opportunities Interface with IT to develop and update Middle Office systems Interface with BO to support P038L reconciliation and accounting Support the team leader in coordinating the team and the activities. Technical skills Solid knowledge of the subject and a relevant experience of 5 years in trading environment are compulsory Strong knowledge and understanding of energy markets and the financial instruments commonly used for risk management for gas, power and emissions (LNG knowledge is a nice to have). An understanding of energy options, their applications in the energy markets and the metrics used to risk manage them. Computer skills A good foundation in market risk measurement including Value at Risk (VAR) and stress testing Strong Excel skills with macros and VBA knowledge and experience working with ENDUR or other Risk Management tools. Other experiences Analytical mind, strategic thinking and practical problem solving Flexible and adaptable attitude Business development attitude (with honesty and integrity) Innovation, pro-activity and efficiency, dedication and result oriented approach to work Good attention to detail, organised, structured and logical Good communication skills and comfortable approaching front office on risk related issues Ability to build and nurture effective relationships internally and externally Flexibility and adaptability to work in rapidly changing environment, be self-disciplined and stress resilient Credit KYC Analyst Salary range: 35,000 - 45,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London Execution of the company Credit Policy and standards appropriate to business objectives. Compliance with and effective execution of the Credit Standards according company governance and Control Framework. Execute all activities in the role holders accountabilities in a controlled and compliant way, consistent with published business and Group policies and standards Our client is one of the leading integrated energy companies with activities in exploration, production, transport, and marketing of oil and natural gas. Execution of the company Credit Policy and standards appropriate to business objectives. Compliance with and effective execution of the Credit Standards according company governance and Control Framework. Execute all activities in the role holders accountabilities in a controlled and compliant way, consistent with published business and Group policies and standards Counterparty on boarding of Banks, corporates, private companies. Vetting of Shipping companies. Liaison with other offices on AML KYC issues. Ensure compliance with protocol Handling the day to day enquiries received by the credit department Analyse and quantify risk profile of a single counterparty and of a portfolio of counterparties (Credit exposure and expected losses) Assess creditworthiness of a counterparty Run daily credit reports and monitor daily credit risk limits Manage collaterals for credit risk mitigation Manage and respond to queries related to parent company guarantees Provide support to the margining function arising from ISDA and Energy documents. Guarantee compliance of credit and compliance procedures. Understanding of the energy markets is desirable Knowledge of Shipping company vetting is an advantage. One year at least in a trading organization in the compliance function Experience of researching KYC sources including Dun and Bradstreet, Companies House, and others. Basic legal knowledge in terms of corporate law and structure Other experiences, if any (desc.) Good interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to build and nurture effective relationships across multiple disciplines of the organisation. Flexibility and adaptability to work in rapidly changing environment Proactive approach to problem solving, and ability to identify and set priority actions and handle a high workload. Be a good team player. Full command of English language (written and spoken) Structuring, Valuation 038 Modelling Manager Salary range: 55,000 - 65,000 p. a. Excellent Benefits package Annual fx Location: Midlands, England An exciting opportunity has arisen Structuring, Valuation Modelling Manager to join our Sales Portfolio Management Team managing one of two teams reporting into the Head of Structuring, Valuation Modelling. Structuring, Valuation 038 Modelling Manager An exciting opportunity has arisen Structuring, Valuation 038 Modelling Manager to join our Sales Portfolio Management Team managing one of two teams reporting into the Head of Structuring, Valuation 038 Modelling. Role description and what were looking for The Structuring, Valuation 038 Modelling team are the company experts in the commercial application of quantitative risk management solutions across the business. This scope therefore includes modelling and bespoke valuation of pricing, hedging, and forecasting of the key complex market and system balancing risks facing the business, both on a portfolio wide and customer specific basis. The team are also responsible for the modelling of operational risk, the credit risk modelling strategy, and providing modelling solutions to Network Charging. These skills are highly valued and recognised as important to the future profitability of the business managing the SVM team in the Solihull office, this involves line management, mentoring and developing the relevant professional staff. It also involves ownership of the responsibility for delivering relevant projects, systems, and solutions to time and budget. Manage the maintenance and enhancement of current relevant systems and models. Maintaining regular and proactive relationships with key stakeholders. This role will require both hands on application of technical skills as well as line management responsibility, managing, leading and developing a team of highly educated and intelligent analysts, often educated to Ph. D level and generally at a minimum of Masters degree in Financial Engineering (or similar) Knowledge and Skills The ideal candidate will have a strong academic background and ideally experience in the energyfinancial markets. Have a numerate first degree or equivalent (for example in FinanceMathsEngineering) with preferably a higher degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline. Demonstrate strong economic, market and financial analytical skills. Have excellent management skills backed up by relevant experience. Have good IT skills: MS Office suite (especially Excel), VB(A), C, Matlab, statistical packages. Have experience in the UKEU energy market or in a financial environment. Have excellent theoretical knowledge of derivative instruments and practical experience in their applications and behaviour. In depth understanding of valuation and risk analysis methods. Demonstrate ability to transform theoretical knowledge to practical, real-world situations. Be results-oriented, able to meet tight deadlines and produce clear and concise feedbackreports to senior management. Be able to cope in a high pressure environment. The post holder will have an excellent understanding of: Options pricing and hedging, volatility and correlation, Valuation of complex transactions and Statistical analysis, regression and stress testing. Risk Policy 038 Regulatory Senior Analyst Salary range: 50,000 - 65,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London Monitoring of all relevant financial regulations that may have impact on ETS and support the implementing activities Implementation and maintaining the Companys processes and procedures for what concerns the Middle Office activities including SOX reporting, internal and external audit coordination My client is an expanding energy company active in excess of 70 countries The three main business areas are: Exploration 038 Production Gas 038 Power Refining 038 Marketing. You will have extensive work based experience, preferably from the Top for or an energy major to undertake this role which includes: Monitoring of all relevant financial regulations that may have impact on ETS and support the implementing activities Implementation and maintaining the Companys processes and procedures for what concerns the Middle Office activities including SOX reporting, internal and external audit coordination Implementation of trading compliance controls. Project management leading the financial regulations implementation Acting as a key partner with Corporate functions in coordinating projects implementation Implementation maintaining and re-engineering the operational trading procedures (crude, products, gas, power, co2, structured products) Identification, assessment and management of risks in all Middle Office processes Coordination of the market and credit risk committee of the company, acting as the secretary of the committee Focal point for internalexternal audits on Middle Office processes Review of internalexternal auditor findings, development of remediation plans to close the identified gaps (for MiddleFront Office processes) Coordinate the New products approval process with regards to all the different commodities Implementation, in coordination with relevant functions, trend analysis and other performance indicators to monitor the new product approval process. You will have good knowledge of the international financial regulations and internal control systems in trading companies good knowledge and exposure to compliance with energy trading policies, procedures understanding of the latest developments in the energy trading compliance arena and regulations result oriented approach and proven ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Crude Oil Operations Coordinator Salary range: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. Annual fx Excellent benefits Location: West End, London The purpose of the position will be to actively and independently manage all operational and financial aspects in the lifecycle of a physical crude oil transactions by the supply trading business. Our client is an integrated Energy company with a global presence. The Crude Operations Coordinator will be based in the Trading division in London, United Kingdom. The purpose of the position will be to actively and independently manage all operational and financial aspects in the lifecycle of a physical crude oil transactions by the supply 038 trading business. Entire handling of physical and financial operations for purchases, sales and storage of crude oil according to the relevant contracts and internal processes and guidelines Letters of Credit (LC): preparation, negotiation, opening, execution and monitoring Recording terms and conditions of the transactions in a purchase 038 sale contract, negotiating details of the contract with the counterparty in alignment with Front Office Nominating coordinating processing lifting dates with customers, suppliers and terminal operators Nominating vessels to company vetting department and counterparties for vessel approvals Preparing sending voyage orders to company chartered vessels and liaising with relevant ship-broker or ship-owner operations teams Preparing sending documentary shipping instructions to the cargo supplier Agreeing appointing independent inspectors with terminal operators counterparts Ensure compliance with value-added tax, excise tax and customs regulations liaise with counterparty, Front Office as well as external and internal advisors to structure transactions accordingly Parent company guarantees and other undertakings: preparation, negotiation, execution, keeping records Outgoing invoices: calculation, liaising with counterparties, collection, keeping records Incoming invoices: checking and arranging of timely and correct payments, keeping records Foreign exchange transactions: calculating correct amounts, placing in payment system, placing of orders to Treasury Preparing the initial demurrage estimates for the demurrage department submitting the initial claim to a 3rd party Keeping track of outturn loss gain, submitting a claim for a loss where necessary. Experience in crude operations or in a similar role Knowledge about LC8217s, trade documents and contracts Experience and knowledge in transportation logistics, cargo scheduling and all aspects of shipping operations Good IT skills, in particular using Energy Trading and Risk Management software (ideally OpenLink Endur) Excellent English proficiency (spoken, written) Very high degree of reliability and accuracy Excellent performance under stress, keep deadlines even in case of high workload Able to work with a minimum of supervision and to make decisions High affinity to and precision with numbers Good communication and negotiation skill Back Office Confirmations 038 Settlements Analyst Salary range: 28,000 - 30,000 p. a. Benefits fx Location: Docklands, London Our client, a global Energy Trading business and part of one of the Worlds Major Energy Groups, are looking to recruit into the Back Office team, giving the successful candidate a chance to cement their career in the EnergyCommodity Trading industry. Our client, a global Energy Trading business and part of one of the Worlds Major Energy Groups, are looking to recruit into the Back Office team, giving the successful candidate a chance to cement their career in the EnergyCommodity Trading industry. The role offers the chance to work in a fast paced trading environment requiring the jobholder to be able to work both autonomously and within a team. The role requires daily interaction with other departments within the organization. As the position sits within the actual Trading floor, a very active environment, it is essential that you are able to focus on tasks and multi task. As Back Office Analyst your day-to-day activities will include but may not be limited to: Manage a portfolio of trading counterparts Check traders supply accurate deal-sheetselectronic download reports for trades validated. Ensure that accurate trading information is represented by confirming deals with counterparts on a daily basis. Reconcile counterpartpipeline invoices against the system. Send invoices to counterparts without exceeding deadlines set within the industry as well as contractually. Submit payment instructions to finance. Daily reconciliation of Exchange Position Check daily to ensure all trades have matched Collect and check brokers confirmations against the system contents each day Check and fax all the confirmations produced by the system to the counterparties. Collect all incoming confirmations and check and record against the system. Chase all outstanding confirmations. Update the system with actual deliveries when this alters from the contractual volume Participate in team and individual projects delegated by the Back Office Manager. When needed, help keep the team Organized by assisting with general Back Office duties including: Faxing, Archiving and Filing. University educated to degree level as a minimum. WorkIntern based experience within a comparable Back Office environment Highly numerate and ability to work under pressure. Knowledge of energy commodity markets. European languages desirable. Structured Trade Finance Manager Salary range: Permanent - 100,000 - 135,000 p. a. CHF 150,000 - 200,000 p. a. Location: Geneva, Switzerland Our Client is engaged in the exploration, supply and trading of physical commodities and other energy related products and are committed to further expanding their assets and developing a fully integrated global trading business. Our Client is engaged in the exploration, supply and trading of physical commodities and other energy related products and are committed to further expanding their assets and developing a fully integrated global trading business. We are looking for a candidate who can cope with complex financial structures ( inventory financing, pre-financing, CMR etc) and we need the person to set up new TF credit lines . so excellent banking relationships are crucial to the success of this role The position will have the following responsibilities: Developing and maintaining trade finance relationships directly with banks, credit insurance companies and other providers of trade finance Negotiation of finance facilities to enable delivery of tradeorigination business across all commodities, including but not limited to steel, iron ore, coal, oil, power, natural gas Negotiation of financecredit facilities to support cross commodity derivative trading Support of OriginatorsTraders in development and finance structuring of deals Coordination with Front Office regarding terms of sales contracts to third-party customers Development of financing aspects of the business plan Reporting on financing costs, utilisation of lines and other core finance key performance indicators Close liaison with central corporate finance personnel and other group entities finance personnel to ensure coordinated and consistent approach to finance sources Core involvement in the development and operation of other aspects of financing (e. g. quantity of equity cash balances etc) Provide regular and structured reporting to ensure transparency of available credit lines In conjunction with operational team, work to produce cash-flow forecasts relating to trading positions ensuring minimum liquidity levels are maintained Liaison with Treasury team to ensure smooth and timely payment and settlements Highly experienced in all facets of Trade Finance, including establishing and maintaining relationships with banks, credit insurance and other aspects of trade finance structuring Minimum 5 years experience in a similar role, must have wide range of existing bank relationships and contacts Understanding of financial accounting principles Ability to communicate effectively with internalexternal companies and counterparts Confident personality with commercial acumen Ability to cope with complex financial structures The initiative to work in a pressurised environment, prioritise issues and resolve them independently. The ability to identify potential improvements to current business structures and processes and to help the implementation of these improvements Previous experience of CXL (Triple point)Trading Systems or similar Good knowledge of excel with complex financial structures ( inventory financing, pre-financing, CMR etc) and we need the person to set up new TF credit lines . so excellent banking relationships are crucial to the success of this role. The position will have the following responsibilities: Developing and maintaining trade finance relationships directly with banks, credit insurance companies and other providers of trade finance Negotiation of finance facilities to enable delivery of tradeorigination business across all commodities, including but not limited to steel, iron ore, coal, oil, power, natural gas Negotiation of financecredit facilities to support cross commodity derivative trading Support of OriginatorsTraders in development and finance structuring of deals Coordination with Front Office regarding terms of sales contracts to third-party customers Development of financing aspects of the business plan Reporting on financing costs, utilisation of lines and other core finance key performance indicators Close liaison with central corporate finance personnel and other group entities finance personnel to ensure coordinated and consistent approach to finance sources Core involvement in the development and operation of other aspects of financing (e. g. quantity of equity cash balances etc) Provide regular and structured reporting to ensure transparency of available credit lines In conjunction with operational team, work to produce cash-flow forecasts relating to trading positions ensuring minimum liquidity levels are maintained Liaison with Treasury team to ensure smooth and timely payment and settlements Highly experienced in all facets of Trade Finance, including establishing and maintaining relationships with banks, credit insurance and other aspects of trade finance structuring Minimum 5 years experience in a similar role, must have wide range of existing bank relationships and contacts Understanding of financial accounting principles Ability to communicate effectively with internalexternal companies and counterparts Confident personality with commercial acumen Ability to cope with complex financial structures The initiative to work in a pressurised environment, prioritise issues and resolve them independently. The ability to identify potential improvements to current business structures and processes and to help the implementation of these improvements Previous experience of CXL (Triple point)Trading Systems or similar Good knowledge of excel Confirmations Clerk (Power 038 Gas) Salary range: Temporary Contract - 42,000 - 48,000 equivalent Location: Central London This position is working within a team of confirmation clerks in providing a world class confirmation service to the rapidly growing business. Summary: This position is working within a team of confirmation clerks in providing a world class confirmation service to the rapidly growing business. The key tasks of this role are: Ensuring that all confirmations are sent out and agreed within industry deadlines Supporting the trading desk in counterparty relationships and in ensuring quality information flows across the business Maintaining excellent working relationships with counterparties and other teams within the organisation. Duties and Responsibilities: Power amp Gas Confirmations Ensuring the issue of timely and accurate confirmations to counterparties and investigating and resolving discrepancies Completeness of Broker Reconditions, to ensure that all trades are captured correctly in our ETRM Checking of direct trades that the business executes. Ensuring that trades are booked correctly in the ETRM Ensuring trades load into EFET and that trades are matched with our counterparties. If discrepancies occur, investigate the discrepancies. Build good relationships with our counterparties. Escalate issues to management Ensure that we send out paper confirmations to counterparties whom we do not electronically match with and we sign and return paper confirmations we receive from counterparties. Become the 4-eyed check for these confirmations Provide Metrics Stats to management on a daily basis Setting and managing the teams and individuals objectives. Complete 1-2-1s with the members of the team Ensuring all processes and procedures are constantly reviewed, documented and updated. Candidate Specification Qualifications: Experienced in confirmations for energy and related products preferred Good working knowledge of trading systems, preferably ENDUR Experience of using an electronic matching platform, preferably EFET. Exposure to new systems implementation and systems development Fluent in English with excellent written and verbal communication skills Experienced in leading, motivating a team Confirmations Team Leader Power 038 Gas Salary range: Contract - 38,000 - 43,000 p. a. (equivalent) Location: Central London The role is an excellent opportunity for a talented and motivated Team Lead to gain exposure across a very wide range of energy products and to work in a dynamic and ambitious company The successful candidate will be working for a leading and rapidly growing commodity trading business based in London, leading a team of confirmation clerks in providing a world class confirmation service. The role is an excellent opportunity for a talented and motivated Team Lead to gain exposure across a very wide range of energy products and to work in a dynamic and ambitious company The key tasks of this role are: Leading a team of confirmation clerks ensuring that all confirmations are sent out and agreed within industry deadlines Making suggestions for improvement to the trading system and work flow processes, including the implementation and extension of these suggestions in order to support the expansion of the companys geographic and product reach Liaising and working with the settlements Manager and Trading Capability teams to develop Confirmations capability within the trading system Liaison with various teams within the organisation from Risk Management, Legal, IT, Finance, Front Office and Credit teams to ensure integrity of data within the trading system Supporting the trading desk in counterparty relationships and in ensuring quality information flows across the business Maintaining excellent working relationships with counterparties and other teams within the organisation. Duties and Responsibilities: Power amp Gas Confirmations Ensuring the issue of timely and accurate confirmations to counterparties and investigating and resolving discrepancies Completeness of Broker Reconditions, to ensure that all trades are captured correctly in our ETRM Checking of direct trades that the business executes. Ensuring that trades are booked correctly in the ETRM Ensuring trades load into EFET and that trades are matched with our counterparties. If discrepancies occur, investigate the discrepancies. Build good relationships with our counterparties. Escalate issues to management Ensure that we send out paper confirmations to counterparties whom we do not electronically match with and we sign and return paper confirmations we receive from counterparties. Become the 4-eyed check for these confirmations Provide Metrics Stats to management on a daily basis Setting and managing the teams and individuals objectives. Complete 1-2-1s with the members of the team Ensuring all processes and procedures are constantly reviewed, documented and updated. Degree level education or equivalent work experience Experienced in confirmations for energy and related products preferred Good working knowledge of trading systems, preferably ENDUR Experience of using an electronic matching platform, preferably EFET Exposure to new systems implementation and systems development Fluent in English with excellent written and verbal communication skills Experienced in leading, motivating a team Concern for accuracy and ability to meet tight deadlines Attention to detail Diligent and dependable Good organisational and execution skills Able to lead a team and motivate individuals to achieve success Able to work effectively cross-functionally with all areas of the business Dedication to review and improvement of existing processes Commercially astute with the ability to develop and understand issues Understanding of the current EMIR regulations and the impact this has on the business. Proven experience of leading a confirmations team in an energy trading environment preferred Experience of working with trading counterparties and direct contact with trading desks Financial 038 Management Reporting Accountant Salary range: Permanent - 75,000 - 85,000 p. a. Excellent fx Benefits Location: Geneva, Switzerland The role controls all aspects of monthly financial and management reporting, preparation of annual statutory accounts for these ledgers, and project development for new innovative solutions to business issues under the team remit. This role is responsible for the preparation of Trial Balances for a number of Trading ledgers. The role controls all aspects of monthly financial and management reporting, preparation of annual statutory accounts for these ledgers, and project development for new innovative solutions to business issues under the team remit. In addition this role is perfectly placed to be a partner to the trading business and access to and assistance of the tradersother senior management is paramount. Key Responsibilities Take ownership for the one of the main trading ledgers and several smaller ledgers of oil companies in the Group. Have responsibility for all aspects of the monthly financial reporting and preparation of annual statutory accounts. Become the key point of contact in accounting for the trading desks related to your ledgers. Work closely with the business to understand the transactions they are undertaking and ensure these are recorded appropriately in both the trading systems and accounting ledgers. Prepare a monthly management commentary on significant balances and balance sheet movements. Present to management the status of own ledgers data and ideas to improve processes. Assess and evidence financial controls and persuade management and colleagues in FrontMid Office teams to adopt possibly unpopular solutions. Submit monthly results via Hyperion packs to Group Accounting. Investigation of data anomalies identified during month end reviews. Follow up with FrontMid Office to clear unjustified balances via regular meetings. Daily review of the transfer pricing documentation provided by Front Office to ensure adherence with divisional policy. Key Relationships Management Accountants in Mumbai Other Financial Controllers Trade Control (who calculate daily trading result and market risk) Operations Chartering (logistics) Corporate Finance Trade Finance Traders Group Tax External Audit teams Desired Skills and Experience Mandatory Self-motivated with a mature attitude. Able to cope in a stressful, demanding environment. Team player with an enthusiastic approach to fresh challenges Strong communication skills. Comfortable to liaise with non-accounting staff at all levels on a routine basis. Drive and determination to obtain understanding of complex, business-driven transactions and report these accurately according to the appropriate accounting standards. Intermediateadvanced Excel skills and a willingness to use technology to complete improve daily tasks. Qualified Accountant Desirable TradingCommodities Experience Qualified accounting experience either within a firm or as an auditor General Ledger Experience (Sun or Navision a fx) Experience with Reporting Tools (business objects or QlikView ideally) Senior Structuring 038 Origination Specialist Salary range: Permanent - 100,000 - 120,000 p. a. Excellent fx Benefits Location: Docklands, London In addition to promoting your creativity and structuring skills, you will develop and leverage an in-depth understanding of the credit portfolio to inform your consultations and actions - always with a goal of supporting a strong, sustainable trading enterprise. Our client is a Global EnergyCommodity Trading business, part of a larger Global Integrated Energy group. This role sits within a small global team providing support across a multi-commodity supply and trading organization operating worldwide within our clients supply and trading division, and will help towards business growth by partnering with regional credit and origination teams to identify and structure potential transaction opportunities. In addition to promoting your creativity and structuring skills, you will develop and leverage an in-depth understanding of the credit portfolio to inform your consultations and actions 8211 always with a goal of supporting a strong, sustainable trading enterprise. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Help frame and progress credit risk appetite conversations by coupling riskreward analysis with an understanding of both fundamental credit drivers and credit portfolio dynamics 038 fit Develop andor validate credit exposure and pricing treatment of larger transactions, including those subject to executive level review. Provide structuring leadership andor support on strategic and complex transaction opportunities Leverage integrated understanding of commercial growth strategies, fundamental credit outlooks, current credit portfolio and available structuring and risk mitigation tools to help develop credit strategies and potential transaction opportunities consistent therewith Seamless and cooperative partnership across the business, including local Credit and M038O teams. ESSENTIAL EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE AND ROLE REQUIREMENTS: Degree educatedqualified (or equivalent) Experience in developing and implementing complex financing and transaction structures, within a commercial investment bank, an energy trading enterprise or both. A deep understanding of fundamental credit drivers 8211 particularly for stressed and distressed counterparties, including an understanding of collateral protections and bankruptcy law dynamics. Adept at building and maintaining strong, cooperative working relationships across various levels organizational levels 8211 both internally and with key external partners and counterparties Comfortable adapting role and input to needs of situation 8211 structuring lead, structuring support, limited advisory role, etc. Self-directed high performer with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset Excellent communication skills (oral and written) LIKELYPOTENTIAL PACKAGE: Circa 110,000 base package (incl. London Weighting 038 Car Allowance) benefits shares Discretionary fx. Structuring 038 Origination Specialist Salary range: Permanent - 70,000 - 80,000 p. a. Excellent fx Benefits Location: Docklands, London This role sits within a small global team providing support across a multi-commodity supply and trading organization operating worldwide within our clients supply and trading division, and will help towards business growth by partnering with regional credit and origination teams to identify and structure potential transaction opportunities. Our client is a Global EnergyCommodity Trading business, part of a larger Global Integrated Energy group. We are seeking potential candidates with tradeproject finance experience, gained within an institiution who 8220structures and prices credit8221. This role sits within a small global team providing support across a multi-commodity supply and trading organization operating worldwide within our clients supply and trading division, and will help towards business growth by partnering with regional credit and origination teams to identify and structure potential transaction opportunities. In addition to promoting your creativity and structuring skills, you will develop and leverage an in-depth understanding of the credit portfolio to inform your consultations and actions 8211 always with a goal of supporting a strong, sustainable trading enterprise. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Help frame and progress credit risk appetite conversations by coupling riskreward analysis with an understanding of both fundamental credit drivers and credit portfolio dynamics 038 fit Develop andor validate credit exposure and pricing treatment of larger transactions, including those subject to executive level review. Provide structuring leadership andor support on strategic and complex transaction opportunities Leverage integrated understanding of commercial growth strategies, fundamental credit outlooks, current credit portfolio and available structuring and risk mitigation tools to help develop credit strategies and potential transaction opportunities consistent therewith Seamless and cooperative partnership across the business, including local Credit and M038O teams. ESSENTIAL EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE AND ROLE REQUIREMENTS: Degree educatedqualified (or equivalent) Experience in developing and implementing complex financing and transaction structures, within a commercial investment bank, an energy trading enterprise or both. A deep understanding of fundamental credit drivers 8211 particularly for stressed and distressed counterparties, including an understanding of collateral protections and bankruptcy law dynamics. Adept at building and maintaining strong, cooperative working relationships across various levels organizational levels 8211 both internally and with key external partners and counterparties Comfortable adapting role and input to needs of situation 8211 structuring lead, structuring support, limited advisory role, etc. Self-directed high performer with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset Excellent communication skills (oral and written) LIKELYPOTENTIAL PACKAGE: Circa 78,000 base package (incl. London Weighting 038 Car Allowance) benefits Discretionary fx. Demurrage Negotiator (Shipping Contracts) Salary range: Temporary to Permanent - 13.50per hour - 15,00 per hour Location: Docklands, London The Demurrage Team forms part of the wider Operations Team within this Global Oil team and provides expertise associated with voyage chartered tonnage, contracts of affreightment and oil contracts for both the vessel and barge markets. The Demurrage Team forms part of the wider Operations Team within this Global Oil team and provides expertise associated with voyage chartered tonnage, contracts of affreightment and oil contracts for both the vessel and barge markets. The Demurrage Team is a highly motivated, exciting, innovative and diverse team which is the centre of expertise for demurrage and post fixture expenses within IST Global Oil Europe. The role offers career development opportunities to progress through the team development structure and gain knowledge across the many trading teams The essential skills of the team are negotiation, numerical, analytical and communication with the ability to develop and maintain strong relationships. The job has a commercial input and a need to communicate with a variety of third parties, BP group companies, traders, operators, charterers, brokers and other staff. The Demurrage team is also responsible for challenging and changing workflows and procedures to ensure optimum efficiency is achieved in the handling of demurrage, expense claims and freight payments. Roles 038 Responsibilities Time Management and Organisational Skills Pro-active and able to work with minimal supervision Commercial Awareness Oral and written communication skills Ability to Communicate at all levels Ability to interpret contracts Attention to detail Team player and work on own initiative Interpersonal, networking and influencing skills Ability to build and maintain relationships Ability to undertake administrative tasks Ability to use numerous and varied internal BP Group systems PC literate 8211 Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Derivatives Trading Accountant Salary range: Temporary Contract - 35,000 - 45,000 p. a. pro-rata Location: Docklands, London Our client trades on 11 regulated exchanges andor brokers covering oil, gas, metal 038 financial transactions and is constantly adding new exchanges, the settlement details for which you will lead. Transactions on regulated exchanges need to be settled daily and this requires the team to maintain its operational efficiency and ability to resolve issues at all times. Our client is self clearing on ICE Futures and therefore the team is responsible for claiming of all trades done directly on the exchange as well as through execution brokers. The team has responsibility for reconciling positions and PNL with the clearing house the following morning and verifying the margin payments to the exchange. In this role you will work closely with the Brent and Gasoil F038O execution traders in London as well as having contact with the US F038O traders to resolve issues in real time. Due to the nature of the regulatory environment and the high volumes traded by the team, also to work closely with Compliance to ensure accurate and timely position reporting is available at all times. The team also performs daily reconciliations for a model based trading book with futures and options positions across a variety of exchanges and a wide portfolio of commodities cleared through a broker. In addition the team also monitors and reconciles Gas 038 Power trades covering Natural Gas and a range of power and emissions exchanges in Europe and the UK. Our client brings together under one umbrella, all the trading activities within the group. This position is part of the Product Control Global Operations team. Accountabilities include:- Working with Oil and Gas 038 Power Accounts teams to ensure any Derivative P038L is reflected in the ledgers accurately and reported in accordance with the month end timelines and Group Policy. Complete Oil, Gas, Power and Freight Broker Reconciliations, Report these to management andor Auditors and investigate any discrepancies. Point of contact for all MIMA breaks cash team queries systems support projects and other regions relating to Derivative trading. Post exchange and broker fees ensuring correct allocation to the correct trading chains and trading entities. Support new trading initiatives that will include broker set-up, SAP testing, new products or instruments and cash management 038 clearing agreements with the brokerexchange. Essential experience and job requirements:- Significant Back Office experience. Previous experience of LIFFE, IPE, ICE or CME exchanges. Margin Reconciliation knowledge. Excellent Knowledge of SAP Excellent Excel capabilities Knowledge of Openlink Strong interpersonal and communication skills Formally recognised Accounting qualification (ACA, CPA etc) Degree educated Policy Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 40,000 - 50,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Central London The main duties and responsibilities of the job holder are: Ensure that risk policy (Market, Credit and Operational) across the trading business meets best practice external requirements and addresses the needs of all internal stakeholders Our Client is a leading Global Integrated Energy business, fully committed to developing their activities and with aspirations to grow significantly and compete with the Global majors. The Policy Risk Analyst role is part of the Trading Risk team Main Job Function: The job holder takes part in: Definition of the Risk policy and its implementation Keeping an up-to-date knowledge of the regulations relevant to trading business Compliance training across the business Key Responsibility Areas: The main duties and responsibilities of the job holder are: Ensure that risk policy (Market, Credit and Operational) across the trading business meets best practice external requirements and addresses the needs of all internal stakeholders Provide secretarial support to the Trading Risk Committee ensuring that meetings are run efficiently and that decision making is timely and effective Project manage and support the delivery of new regulations into the trading business and take part in wider group discussions Responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of new product, market and structured product processes Liaise with other risk and compliance functions across the group to support the implementation of best industry practice Support in monitoring the internal control systems and cope with internal and external audit units Project manage the delivery of policy changes required to support the potential licensing of the business under MiFID Ensure that policy and compliance training is being rolled out to all staff in an effective way across global locations. This position reports to the Head of Trading Risk and is expected to interface and work very closely with: Internally 8211 Desk Heads, Risk Committee Members and other team members within the business on a daily basis Externally 8211 Corporate Risk Governance functions. Candidate Specifications: Strong academic credentials Preferable experience of both physical and financial commodity markets and risk management Proven ability to work in partnership with the Front Office and other teams to identify effective and timely policy solutions that meet the business needs Preferably experience of working in a MiFID authorised organisation Proven experiences in REMIT, EMIR, Dodd Frank would be an advantage A self-starter who enjoys shaping and delivering change in a complex and commercially challenging environment Result oriented approach, dedication and proven ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Proactive approach to problem solving and ability to identify and set priority actions and handle a high workload Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Positive attitude and high self-esteem Strong team working skills and ability to build and nurture effective relationships internally and externally Strong external network and exposure to working with regulators Excellent written and aural communication skills in English Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite. Document Controller Salary range: Permament - 21,000 - 24,000 p. a. Benefits Location: London Bridge, London Working for this successful property company based on site in Central London. You will be responsible for all the document control and administrative duties for the Technical Department. You will be working for this successful property company based on site in Central London. You will be responsible for all the document control and administrative duties for the Technical Department. Supporting the Technical team with the day today Projects administration and document control following the company processes and procedures. Managing and administrating the in house web based document collaboration system, uploading, downloading drawings, scanning and uploading received hard copy documents, maintaining up to date drawing files and registers, collating and issuing of drawings and tender packages. Managing internal and external users to SharePoint and dealing with queries and complaints. Using Microsoft Office to send email and meeting requests, produce correspondence, reports and minutes. The above job description is not fully exhaustive. You may be asked to carry out additional duties from time to time. You will have Excellent working knowledge of all Microsoft Packages Construction based administration experience Experience using web based collaboration systems Senior Quantitative Analyst (Commodities) Salary range: Permanent - 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Central London The Lead Quantitative Analyst role is part of the Trading Risk team of the Risk Management, Middle Office and Planning Control department. Our Client is a leading Global Integrated Energy business, fully committed to developing their activities and with aspirations to grow significantly and compete with the Global majors. Assignment and Main Job Function The Lead Quantitative Analyst role is part of the Trading Risk team of the Risk Management, Middle Office and Planning Control department. The Risk Management, Middle Office and Planning 038 Control team is a partner to the Front Office in developing a growing business, who is able to provide valued advice on managing the risks in the portfolio and its potential development. The team has the ability, working in partnership with other control teams, to protect the Company from unexpected risks and reputational damage through effective controls. It provides an independent perspective on the portfolio, its value and the risks contained within it. The teams vision is to be seen as the centre of competence for risk and performance management that shapes industry thinking and is recognised by peers as a counterpart of choice. Due to the rapid growth of the business, a new team as Trading Risk has been identified and this role offers a great opportunity for someone with solid risk experience looking to demonstrate their expertise skills in a growing trading business. Key Responsibility Areas: The main duties and responsibilities of the job holder are: Responsible for leading the development of trading risk methods (credit, operational and market) to support the consistent, timely and appropriate calculation of risk across the trading portfolio Ensuring that all models used within the trading business are appropriately back tested Co-ordinating across the trading risk team and working with other modelling groups within the group to ensure that models in trading are fit for purpose and make maximum utilisation of the capabilities of the group Providing quantitive and technical advice to teams on a variety of issues e. g. price curve analysis, back testing, pricing etc. Leading the delivery and technical design of trading risk calculation systems This position reports to the Head of Trading Risk and is expected to interface and work very closely with: Internally 8211 Risk teams, FO Desks and IS Teams on a daily basis Externally 8211 Liaising with group finance teams. Candidate Specifications: Qualification in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Finance or similar Proven track record of providing quantitative method solutions in a trading risk environment Experience in both physical and financial energy commodity markets is highly desirable Proven ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams and across different business units Demonstrable project leadership experience in the roll out and delivery of new systemsmethods to support critical business processes e. g. pricing, market risk, Credit VaR etc. Self-starter, who wants to be part of something new Proven ability to develop a clear technical vision and strategy for delivery Positive attitude and high self-esteem Pro-active and result oriented approach, dedication and proven ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines Strong communication skills and capability to break down complex ideas and concepts and explain them clearly to differing target audiences Strong team working skills and ability to build and nurture effective relationships internally and externally Full command of English (written and spoken) Excellent knowledge of Matlab, VBA, Excel and or other quantitative tools and languages. IT Graduate (Energy 038 Operational Services) Salary range: Permanent - 25,000 - 27,000 p. a. Benefits package Location: Central London On our clients Graduate programme youll have the opportunity to develop your passion for innovation whilst helping others achieve their goals, taking you into new and exciting areas of the business. Based in London, our Client is a global business that provides customers with integrated energy solutions. Their offices in the USA, Europe and Asia offer a unique suite of products 8211 from gas and electricity to smart metering and carbon deals. They are growing rapidly and, as they grow, it becomes ever more important that they preserve the enterprising spirit that helped to launch the business. Our Client recruits talented individuals with the skills and imagination to match their ambition developing their expertise, allowing them to flourish and ensuring they become part of an on-going success story. Rapidly growing its capability and developing innovative products across multiple commodities within new markets, the Information Technology team has a value-led approach and works in close partnership with other areas of the business and end-users. On our clients Graduate programme youll have the opportunity to develop your passion for innovation whilst helping others achieve their goals, taking you into new and exciting areas of the business. Its the chance to take advantage of great training and development, allowing you to realise your ambitions to develop a rewarding and successful career in IT for an ever-growing and ambitious company. Out client works closely with all areas of the business from front office through to back office and the solutions they deliver will see you develop your knowledge of the energy trading domain. Whats more, you will rotate across the key areas within IT such as business analysis, infrastructure and operations, development, service desk, application support, IT strategy and change management. We need excellent contributors and leaders within the business. As the organisation grows, our Client is keen to develop graduates within who can help deliver excellence. Characteristics and competencies: The closely knit teams are core to success, working both individually and together to deliver value through solutions tailored for business needs. The characteristics that we feel contribute to this are: Highly motivated and proactive individual and team player Self-sufficiency and confidence to put your ideas forward Problem solving attitude Organisational and planning skills A desire to learn new skills Skills and qualifications The teams also rely on a solid foundation of knowledge gained through education and experience. We would expect you to have a degree level education (2.1 above) in computing, mathematics, engineering or science. However, we would also like to hear from graduates with degrees from other backgrounds but a passion for IT. In addition, we seek: Excellent analytical skills and a good attention to detail An impressive level of computer skills proportionate to your degree. Good communication skills 8211 both written and verbal Fluency in English Financial Controller Manager Salary range: Permanent - 60,000 - 75,000 p. a. Annual fx Benefits Location: Central London The successful candidate will be working for a well established Global Commodity Trading house with a reputation for high levels of service. The successful candidate will be working for a well established Global Commodity Trading house with a reputation for high levels of service. Main Accountabilities Management of a team of four staff Ensure production of monthly management accounts within stated deadlines Monthly reconciliation of trading balance sheet accounts Liaison with accountants and directors from other global offices Liaison with external auditors on all trading related issues Ensure validity of debtor creditor balances with clients 038 suppliers Monthly checks on mark-to-market pricing of futures and physicals Resolving issues with traders and operations staff to ensure correct accounting Management of ad-hoc projectsenhancements to systems Responsible for production of monthly management accounts for trade book. Ensure validity of all pricing invoices sent to clients. Constant monitoring of debtors and creditors Knowledge Skills and Experience Qualified Accountant (ACA, ACCA or CIMA) Knowledge of US GAAP (including Mark to Market principles) Knowledge of SOX Experience of commodity trading business Strong control framework understanding (Audit experience) Senior Credit Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 55,000 - 68,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London The Credit team are responsible for the protection of company Assets through the rigorous execution of credit. Our Client is a leading Global Integrated Energy business, fully committed to developing their activities and with aspirations to grow significantly and compete with the Global majors. The Credit team are responsible for the protection of company Assets through the rigorous execution of credit. Main Job Function: The Credit and Compliance function plays a critical role in introducing new clients to our organization as well as ensuring full due diligence is done with respect to new and existing relationships. The successful KYC Analyst will have to support diverse corporate business lines and adhere to specific policies and procedure with a certain level of autonomy in a very team based environment. Daily duties will include simplified and enhanced due diligence across a wide variety of clients in over a hundred countries including low, medium and high risk jurisdictions. Other daily duties will include PEP screening and investigation. KYC types and PEPs will vary and so an understanding of the KYC risk based approach is absolutely essential as is the commitment and initiative to carry out daily duties with the upmost accuracy and professionalism. You must have a good understanding of the KYC requirements for a range of corporate client types including private companies, and listed companies and banks. The AMLKYC Specialist will perform periodic reviews of KYC information for renewals of client information. They will participate in remediation efforts and projects to clean up data and documentation and coordinate with other areas as needed (Credit, Compliance, and the Front office), particularly for high risk clients. The KYC Specialist will validate documentation stored in KYC tools and repositories. In some cases they will solicit additional documentation requests from the client directly to support renewal or remediation efforts. Key Responsibility Areas: The main duties and responsibilities of the job holder are: Validate accuracy of data in KYC platforms and ensure completeness of document package Kick-off renewals and liaise with client on-boarding sales for required documents and sign-off Review all KYC entries records Validate all documentation uploaded into the KYC tool Follow up with Compliance for approvals of High Risk clients, and with Front office and relevant businesses for all other clients Complete remediation efforts and projects to clean up data and documentation and coordinate with other areas as needed Subject matter expert for the implementation of KYC procedures and AML guidelines This position reports to Credit Risk Manager and has the following main interfaces: Internal The role will include extensive liaison with key stake holders that include, Trading desks and senior management. External Interface with external counterparties and contacts in financial institutions. Candidate Specifications: B. A. Degree or equivalent Minimum 3-5 years8217 experience in financial services operations, compliance, or client service preferred AMLKYC experience needed 8211 CAMS certification is a plus Individual must be detail oriented and self-directing Strong verbal and written communication skills are a must Excellent client and time management skills Adaptable, flexible and willing to work in a dynamic environment Comfortable working as a team or individually to deliver results Strong working experience with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Good attention to detail Proactive approach to work and ability to work with tight deadlines Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite Full command of English language (written and spoken). KYC Analyst (Commodities) Salary range: Fixed Term Contract - 45,000 - 55,000 p. a. Completion fx Benefits Location: West End, London The Credit and Compliance function plays a critical role in introducing new clients to our organization as well as ensuring full due diligence is done with respect to new and existing relationships. Our Client is a leading Global Integrated Energy business, fully committed to developing their activities and with aspirations to grow significantly and compete with the Global majors. The Credit team are responsible for the protection of company Assets through the rigorous execution of credit. Main Job Function: The Credit and Compliance function plays a critical role in introducing new clients to our organization as well as ensuring full due diligence is done with respect to new and existing relationships. The successful KYC Analyst will have to support diverse corporate business lines and adhere to specific policies and procedure with a certain level of autonomy in a very team based environment. Daily duties will include simplified and enhanced due diligence across a wide variety of clients in over a hundred countries including low, medium and high risk jurisdictions. Other daily duties will include PEP screening and investigation. KYC types and PEPs will vary and so an understanding of the KYC risk based approach is absolutely essential as is the commitment and initiative to carry out daily duties with the upmost accuracy and professionalism. You must have a good understanding of the KYC requirements for a range of corporate client types including private companies, and listed companies and banks. The AMLKYC Specialist will perform periodic reviews of KYC information for renewals of client information. They will participate in remediation efforts and projects to clean up data and documentation and coordinate with other areas as needed (Credit, Compliance, and the Front office), particularly for high risk clients. The KYC Specialist will validate documentation stored in KYC tools and repositories. In some cases they will solicit additional documentation requests from the client directly to support renewal or remediation efforts. Key Responsibility Areas: The main duties and responsibilities of the job holder are: Validate accuracy of data in KYC platforms and ensure completeness of document package Kick-off renewals and liaise with client on-boarding sales for required documents and sign-off Review all KYC entries records Validate all documentation uploaded into the KYC tool Follow up with Compliance for approvals of High Risk clients, and with Front office and relevant businesses for all other clients Complete remediation efforts and projects to clean up data and documentation and coordinate with other areas as needed Subject matter expert for the implementation of KYC procedures and AML guidelines This position reports to Credit Risk Manager and has the following main interfaces: Internal The role will include extensive liaison with key stake holders that include, Trading desks and senior management. External Interface with external counterparties and contacts in financial institutions. Candidate Specifications: B. A. Degree or equivalent Minimum 3-5 years8217 experience in financial services operations, compliance, or client service preferred AMLKYC experience needed 8211 CAMS certification is a plus Individual must be detail oriented and self-directing Strong verbal and written communication skills are a must Excellent client and time management skills Adaptable, flexible and willing to work in a dynamic environment Comfortable working as a team or individually to deliver results Strong working experience with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Good attention to detail Proactive approach to work and ability to work with tight deadlines Good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite Full command of English language (written and spoken). Gas Settlements Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 28,000 - 32,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Central London This position is responsible for supporting the Settlements Management team in providing a world class settlements service to the rapidly growing business. This position is responsible for supporting the Settlements Management team in providing a world class settlements service to the rapidly growing business. The role is an excellent opportunity for a talented and motivated individual to gain exposure across a very wide range of energy products and to work in a dynamic and ambitious company which is the main trading arm of the worlds largest gas producer. The key tasks of this role are: Working in a team ensuring the timely settlement of traded products, from issuing of confirmations to invoicing of these trades across the product range, namely natural gas, power, capacity and inter-group trades Making suggestions for improvement to the trading system and work flow processes, to implementation and extension of these suggestions in order to support the expansion of the companys geographic and product reach Liaising and working with the Lead Analyst and Trading Capability teams to develop Settlements capability within the trading system Liaison with various teams within the organisation from Risk Management, Legal, IT, Finance, Treasury and Credit teams to ensure integrity of data within the trading system to accurate reporting within defined timescales Supporting the trading desk in counterparty relationships and in ensuring quality information flows across the business Maintaining excellent working relationships with counterparties and other teams within the organisation. Duties and Responsibilities: Gas confirmations and invoicing Ensuring the issue of timely and accurate confirmations to counterparties and investigating and resolving discrepancies Production of invoices for the various commodities and products according to the specific contractual terms by generating sales and pro-forma purchase invoices, including detailed back up Proactively investigate and taking action to resolve any disputes with counterparties Develop an understanding of various gas sundry invoices from other counterparts and develop robust validation techniques for these invoices. Provision of sales and purchases summary to the Reporting team as a basis for accruals and final invoice details for monthly reporting, to meet reporting timetable Ensuring all processes and procedures are constantly reviewed, documented and updated. Qualifications: Degree level education or equivalent work experience Skills: Experienced in confirmations and invoicing processes for energy and related products preferred Good working knowledge of trading systems Exposure to new systems implementation and systems development Fluent in English with excellent written and verbal communication skills Competencies: Concern for accuracy and ability to meet tight deadlines Attention to detail Diligent and dependable Good organisational and execution skills Able to work as part of a team as well as individually Able to work effectively cross-functionally with all areas of the business Dedication to review and improvement of existing processes Commercially astute with the ability to develop and understand issues. Experience: Proven experience of Settlements in an energy trading environment preferred Experience of working with trading counterparties Accounts Administrator (Maternity cover) Salary range: Temporary - 8.50 per hour - 9.25 per hour Location: Dartford, Kent The main function of this job is to process invoice all orders to customers for various companies within the Group in a professional and timely manner. MAIN PURPOSES OF JOB The main function of this job is to process 038 invoice all orders to customers for various companies within the Group in a professional and timely manner. To learn 038 provide cover as required to current team, duties which will include sales order processing and accurate posting cash receipts to ledgers. Assisting with period 038 year end closures and audits. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sales Ledger Notification of credit limits and account terms to customers. Maintaining 038 updating customer data. Liaising with commercial to resolve customer queries. Producing customer credit notes, statements 038 ad hoc invoices. Providing copy documentation as required. Scanning, filing 038 emailing of documentation as required. Administration Processing of customer orders to invoice level within agreed timescales 8211 eg period ends. Recording, investigating 038 liaising with customers third partiesother internal departments in order to resolve delivery queries, price discrepancies 038 claims. Updating of IFS price lists accurately in line Commercial Managers price confirmation cost sheets. Running price checks prior to invoicing to ensure correct prices on invoices. Daily running and printing of invoices including the sending of EDI invoices to customers. Filing, scanning, archiving and posting out of documentation as required. On a daily basis to down load bank line to accurately post and allocate receiptsrefunds to customersuppliernominal accounts. Account allocation and netting off of customer payments as required. Banking 038 any other duties as reasonably requested by management. Knowledge Experience 038 Skills Literate 038 numerate (must be able to compile own lettersemails 038 able to carry out basic calculations using a spreadsheetcalculator). Computer skills 8211 spreadsheets. word processingemail. Knowledge of a computerised sales ledger desirable. An understanding of basic double entry bookkeepingjournalsdebit notes 038 contras preferred. Professional telephone manner. Ability to prioritise duties and to work under own initiative. Applicants must hold a clean current driving licence and to be over 21 in order drive company pool car to carry out daily banking duties. Directly responsible to: Credit Manager Business Development Manager 8211 Russia 038 CIS Area Salary range: Permanent - 65,000 - 100,000 p. a. Generous Annual fx Benefits Location: Moscow, Russia You will report to the Managing Director and be responsible for drawing up regular Business Development information, including pipelines of projects, business intelligence, and prospective partner and finance information with regards to the tenders You will be based in Moscow, Russia and will suit someone who is operating in the Russian Federation. You must speak fluent English 038 Russian 65,000 8211 100,000 fx This role is working for a very successful construction company You will report to the Managing Director and be responsible for drawing up regular Business Development information, including pipelines of projects, business intelligence, and prospective partner and finance information with regards to the tenders. You will be responsible for managing the tender process in co-ordination with the European Head Office, and in providing local impetus and knowledge into the process, as well as dealing with, and highlighting any local issues. Other responsibilities include managing the new Moscow branch office that is being setup for the Russian 038 CIS area. The candidate will take part in any tenders or project development specifically related to the region or as required outside the area. You will ensure that all reporting and information requests prescribed, are carried out comprehensively, accurately and to required deadlines. The ideal candidate will work within infrastructure, construction or contracting organisation and currently operating in the Russian Federation. Candidates will have a strong Business Development and contractual You will be able to demonstrate significant experience in developing, tendering and managing multiple large scale contracts projects from inception through to completion of contract project. The candidate will need to demonstrate an understanding of commercial and management issues and reporting to add value to the tender process, pricing and controls for new projects. A proven, commercially driven Business Development Manager who can grow client relationships and create new opportunities for the region. Treasury Operations Associate Salary range: Permament - 26,000 - 31,500 p. a. Annual fx Benefits Location: West End, London The companys business involves gathering and redeploying liquidity, using a variety of products and techniques, focusing on treasury activities, concentrating on raising finance for the Group in the capital markets and managing liquidity to meet the requirements of the Group and maximise its competitive edge. Our client is a London based treasury management company acting on behalf of, and being part of a larger, International general Trading Corporation with operations in over 200 locations in approximately 90 countries worldwide, with seven business groups and more than 600 subsidiaries and affiliates. The companys business involves gathering and redeploying liquidity, using a variety of products and techniques, focusing on treasury activities, concentrating on raising finance for the Group in the capital markets and managing liquidity to meet the requirements of the Group and maximise its competitive edge. The Operations department is responsible for the full settlement and ongoing rate maintenance of all traded or issued Treasury products to include but not restricted to: Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, Interest Rate Swaps, Medium Term Notes, Asset Backed Securities, Mortgage Backed Securities and Commercial Paper (with complex amortizing cash flows becoming ever more frequent). The successful candidate will have broad reaching responsibilities such as: Settlements: 8211 Processing and maintenance of all settlement activities within the treasury systems. Manage workflows to ensure late deals are processed prior to cut-off Confirmations: Check and confirm all trades executed by the Front Office and supported with appropriate documentation Cash flows: Monitoring and processing of all cash flows in the treasury system. Payments: Preparation and processing of electronic and manual payments using online payment system while monitoring payment deadlines. Euroclear: Monitor account movements investigating any differences, funding balances using Euclid system. Rate resets: Re-fixing of all floating rate products in treasury system whilst checking against external sources and sending rate advices to sister companies. Rate uploads: Daily upload of different FX and interest rates into treasury system from external source. Issues: Investigate and report any settlement issues to completion. Documentation: Check IRS, MTN and Long Term Loan details against treasury systems. J-Sox: Assist in maintenance and update of Internal Control Procedures. Operating procedures: Maintain and update on an ongoing basis. QUALIFICATIONS 038 PERSONAL QUALITIES REQUIRED: Proven experience in a Financial Services (banking) environment or similar, with exposure to the treasury products (as above), International payment and clearing systems. Good all round Microsoft Office skills with a strong experience level on MS Excel Understanding of ISDA definitions Highly self-motivated and a positive mind-set that can influence and motivate different personality types Ability to maintain an excellent degree of accuracy whilst working to tight deadlines and be able to adapt in a changing and demanding environment Excellent administration and time management skills 8211 ability to manage and organise multiple work streams simultaneously Problem solvingdecision making skills 8211 ability to decide on best course of action required to solve a range of problems and queries Strong team player 8211 The ability to work and engage across multiple teams, In a Japanese company with few staff, an ability to co-operate with and be considerate to colleagues is important Excellent communication skills, Able to communicate fluently in English, both written and orally Willingness and ability to work flexibly and efficiently within a time-bound environment, prioritising and balancing tasks and activities ensuring externally driven and often tight timescalesdeadlines are adhered to Back Office Intercompany Settlement Analyst Salary range: Temporary to Permament - 30,000 - 35,000 p. a. Location: Docklands, London The role is within the Group Settlements team, part of the Global Central Services team. The team provides Trade Settlement support for three trading functions in Singapore, London and Chicago As an IntercompanyFinance Settlements Analyst you will be wholly responsible for a suite of our clients Group Companies. You will be expected to manage all aspects of the relationship ensuring transactions and queries are dealt with efficiently. We are looking to fill two roles, one supporting the Oil business and one supporting the Gas business. The role is within the Group Settlements team, part of the Global Central Services team. The team provides Trade Settlement support for three trading functions in Singapore, London and Chicago. Managing the Quarterly Group Agreement process and resolving group differences Posting adjusting fully supported entries. Raising 038 Issuing Intercompany AR Invoices (Gas, Oil or ancillary) in line with highly variable contractual due dates Reconciling and matching payments for incoming AP invoices, creating recharge invoices where necessary Resolving volume, tax and other disputes in a timely manner Managing re-invoicing workload due to operational data or pricing updates Ensuring all invoices are tax compliant Managing overdue debt Understand and adhere to control and compliance policies Relationship Management with internal and highly sensitive external customers, globally Ability to manage workload independently to clear performance drives with little supervision Highly numerate An accounting background is desirable experience of Intercompany Processes would be advantageous, but not essential. An Understanding of Commodity Settlements Process (ideally energy), gained in a Banking or Commodity Trading Environment would be preferable System Literate 8211 SAP and Excel. Part Qualified Accountant (CIMA, ACCA or Equivalent) As a global trading organisation you may be required to work an early shift (from 7am), or a late shift (until 7pm), in addition there will be requirements to work on some bank holidays and weekends. Metals Sales Trader Salary range: Permanent - 35,000 - 40,000 p. a. Excellent fxs Benefits Location: West End, London Our client is a wholly owned subsidiary of Japans largest general trading company, with over 200 bases of operations in approximately 80 countries worldwide. Our client is a wholly owned subsidiary of Japans largest general trading company, with over 200 bases of operations in approximately 80 countries worldwide. They have long been engaged in business with customers around the world in virtually every industry, including energy, metals, machinery, chemicals, food and general merchandise. Principal Duties and Responsibilities TradingSales: Contribute to the expansion of our clients customer base in EMEA while at the same time assisting in the servicing of our clients current client base from London. Business development in other areas may also be added to the remit in the future. The main focus will be on the Titanium metal but where appropriate will also include Stainless Steel and High Performance Alloys Market within the designated business framework and assigned trading limits. Trading responsibilities in STHPA metals, when required will include spot, consignment and long term frame agreement business or other products, as specified. Business support and development: Help maintain and expand existing client relationships in EMEA and elsewhere and to cultivate new business opportunities and relationships. Service the needs of our clients offices globally when required in STHPA metals businesses. Business development objectives will embrace all aspects of the precious STHPA markets. This will range from supporting and developing relationships with steel mill companies, and players in the secondary supply market through to building links with STHPA metals consumers including but not limiting to aerospace companies, oil and gas companies, chemical companies, architectural companies, distributors, fabricators and EPC companies. Team building and personal development: Take a proactive approach in building inter-office communications to improve the use and understanding of market-related information. Actively develop personal skills and knowledge through ongoing training. Share skills and knowledge with colleagues and encourage their development. Compliance: Comply with our clients internal regulations and guidelines and to adhere to trading and position limits that may be applied. Comply with normal market practices and to ensure total compliance with all relevant national and international rules and laws. Qualifications and Skills Required Essential Educated to at least A level or equivalent Established track record in STHPA metals tradingsales and direct P038L generation Extensive market experience in STHPA metals A good knowledge of all aspects of the STHPA markets Good understanding of risk management and credit issues Good understanding of trading (importexport) issues Knowledge of duties, VAT and compliance Broad understanding of steel markets Good communication skills with the ability to communicate at all levels within a multi-cultural environment. Ability to work under pressure whilst remaining calm and methodical Ability to prioritize workload under guidance of the General Manager Ability to work on own initiative with little supervision Ability to work to a very high standard of accuracy and attention to detail Excellent time management skills Effective interpersonal skills Willingness to undertake extensive travel within the EMEA region and overseas Working knowledge of Excel, Word, PowerPoint Working knowledge of electronic mail platform Desirable Knowledge of a European language, besides English Knowledge of Japanese culture Experience in working in Japanese or Asian environment Commodity Settlements Team Leader Supervisor Salary range: Temporary to Permanent: 40,000 - 46,000 p. a. Location: Docklands, London The Commodities Settlements Team LeaderSupervisor will run a team of Settlement Analysts responsible for mixed Energy commodities, ensuring that processes are working efficiently and are accounted for correctly, whilst maintaining good relationships through the business including other Global Settlements Teams, Pricing Analysts, Front Office, Third Party suppliers, Accounts and Product Control. The Commodities Settlements Team LeaderSupervisor will run a team of Settlement Analysts responsible for mixed Energy commodities, ensuring that processes are working efficiently and are accounted for correctly, whilst maintaining good relationships through the business including other Global Settlements Teams, Pricing Analysts, Front Office, Third Party suppliers, Accounts and Product Control. You will currently be working (or within the last 12 months) for either a Commodity Trading company or Investment Bank with Supervison or Management responsibility, within either a Middle or Back Office role. This role is anticipated to develop into a Permanent opportunity for the successful Candidate Trade Completion Settlements Analyst Salary range: Temporary to Permanent: 26,000 - 30,000 p. a. Location: Docklands, London The post is within the Trade Completion team which supports Oil Commercial Refining Trading (including the BPRR Refinery)and Gas Power businesses as part of the Gas, Renewables Supply and Trading organisation. Settlements analyst key roles are ensuring that invoices are created and counterparties get paid on time with the focus on working capital optimisation and assisting treasury by effectively forecasting cash. Also, to process all billing documents in a timely and accurate manner meeting the deadlines around the settlement due dates and to ensure open items on the ledger remain minimal and exceptional. Settling all actualised deals agreed by traders and priced up by pricing analysts, including interacting with third party counterparties. Continual monitoring of the deal work list. Managing of the deal through our various systems. Liaising with pricing analysts, traders and operators over contract and movement details, reviewing deal documentation, offering advice, identifying problems and helping to resolve them. Interacting with Accounts, Product Control and Tax Analysis teams 8211 providing information as required and resolving discrepancies. Providing accurate, up to date details of projected cash flows to enable Finance to manage daily cash requirements. Investigating and eliminating anomalies on thebalance sheet. Credit Control function: Ensuring that funds arereceived on time and liaising with counterparties should any discrepanciesoccur. Working with the Credit team to manage risks associated with diverse counterparties including making special arrangements for high risk customers and raising alerts on late receipts. Taking part in reviews of processes and control risks. Ensuring the processes are followed correctly and controls are effective. Settlement of deals of a more complex nature that does not fit the normal systemsprocess criteria and ensure that these deals are correctly accounted for. Good communicating and interpersonal skills, networking and influencing, are essential Team working skills Numeracy and Accuracy IT skills Problem solving Flexibility and ability to work in pressurised situations Determination to complete 8211 and to deadline. Excel Experience (Intermediate)Part qualified in CIMAACCA or equivalent SAP Experience Senior Contracts Administrator 8211 International Trading Salary range: Permanent: 28,000 - 32,000 p. a. Excellent benefits Location: West End, London Our client is an international Trading business, specializing specifically within the Perishable and Temperature Controlled, products market. Whilst the department make up is small, you will be working for an International Corporation with over 60,000 staff globally. The summary of the role will be to assist the department with all aspects of import administration. Also, to be responsible for all procedures relating to order placement, shipment and stock control and to ensure records are maintained to meet potential audit requirements. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Contracts administration Liaising with customers suppliers for delivery and shipment instructions Stock control and monitor stock levels Stock reporting Openingamending letters of credit and set up export documents FX Control Applying for marine insurance Issuing sales and purchase contracts Invoicing customers Credit control Trade lines control Looking after credit insurance account Valpak waste packaging management SarBox management Regularly monitor price and performance of various forwarding agents and instructing them according to requirements for shipping Administration duties as required REQUIRED SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: Background in documentation for international trade Excellent time management skills Ability to work to a very high standard of accuracy Ability to work on own initiative with little supervision Good communication and interpersonal skills Excellent PC skills, a thorough knowledge of Word and Excel Experience of trade in perishable and temperature controlled goods 8211 preferred Experience with SAP or similar accounting system 8211 preferred Experience of supervising a team and allocating duties 8211 preferred Settlements Analyst 8211 FX, Swaps, Exchange Trades Salary range: Permanent: Upper Commodities Market Rate Location: West End, London This position is responsible for supporting the Commodity Settlements Manager in providing a world class settlements service to the rapidly growing Commodity Trading business. The role is an excellent opportunity for a talented and motivated individual to gain exposure across a very wide range of financial energy products and to work in a dynamic and ambitious company which is the main trading arm of the worlds largest gas producer. The key tasks of this role are: Working within a small sub team within the Settlements department ensuring the timely validation amp settlement of all financially trades products ranging from FX, FX Options, oil amp gas swaps and exchange futures traded products Working closely with Front Office representatives for these products, supporting and initiating improvements to the trading systems and work flow processes within Settlements, Finance and across FO to Settlements, to implementation and extension of these suggestions in order to support the expansion of the companys geographic and product reach Liaising and working with the Settlements Manager and Trading Capability teams to develop Settlements capability within the trading system proactively Liaison with various teams within the organisation from Risk Management, Legal, IT, Finance, Treasury and Credit teams to ensure integrity of data within the trading system to accurate reporting within defined timescales Supporting the trading desk in counterparty relationships and in ensuring quality information flows across the business Maintaining excellent working relationships with counterparties and other teams within the organisation. Supporting and developing members of the team in their growth and development. Duties and Responsibilities: Financial Products validations and invoicing Ensuring the issue of timely and accurate validation of these trades as required by the master agreements and investigating and resolving discrepancies quickly amp effectively Production of invoices for the various commodities and products according to the specific contractual terms by generating sales and pro-forma purchase invoices, including detailed back up Ensure margin calls are validated and paid within timescales Proactively investigate and taking action to resolve any disputes with counterparties Develop an in depth understanding of the various general amp bespoke contract terms and conditions for the products and develop robust validation techniques for these invoices. Provision of sales and purchases summary to the Reporting team as a basis for accruals and final invoice details for monthly reporting, to meet reporting timetable Ensuring all processes and procedures are constantly reviewed, documented and updated. Candidate Specification: Qualifications: Degree level education or equivalent work experience in a trading environment. In depth knowledge of the mechanisms of financially energy traded products with particular focus in on understanding of exchanges and the clearing process. Experienced in confirmations and invoicing processes for energy and related products with particular emphasis of financial products Good working knowledge of trading systems Exposure to new systems implementation and systems development. Fluent in English with excellent written and verbal communication Concern for accuracy and ability to meet tight deadlines Attention to detail Diligent and dependable Good organisational and execution skills Ability to work well in a small but growing team Able to work as part of a team as well as individually Able to work effectively cross-functionally with all areas of the business Dedication to review and improvement of existing processes. Commercially astute with the ability to develop and understand issues Senior Risk Analyst 8211 Oil Trading Salary range: Permanent: 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. Substantial fx Benefits Location: West End, London Due to continued success from their initial growth, we are actively recruiting a Senior Risk Analyst to report into the Market Risk Control Manager. Due to continued success from their initial growth, we are actively recruiting a Senior Risk Analyst to report into the Market Risk amp Control Manager. The position will be based in London, and will have the following responsibilities whilst acting as deputy head of team: Ensure the risk policies, trading limits and procedures are followed by the trading personals. Support risk systems and infrastructure development efforts. Maintain and ensure the accuracy of the data in the risk management systems. Responsible for monitoring and reporting trading risks (exposures) against policies, guidelines and trading risk limits. Produce and report MTM pl, position risk and risk metrics such as VaR, EaR, and CFaR of portfolios on a daily basis. Calculate report and monitor Greeks. Perform back-testing and stress testing to validate trading PL and positions as per the Trading Policy. Monitor and report trading book structure designed to meet the Companys objectives. Review, assess and validate the forward market curve. When required model and construct forward curves for the relevant commodities. Monitor and ensure the appropriateness of intra-book trades against the transfer pricing formula and policy. Work with finance to reconcile risk numbers with financial reports etc. Analyse and report changes in portfolio to Senior Management. Prepare monthly analytical reports for Senior Management Assess the risks of new business opportunities (new markets, assets, strategies etc.) and their impact on the existing business profile. And develop and communicate independent market fundamental analysis to support the risk assessment. Desired Skills amp Experience Must have in depth knowledge of the Oil Markets and possibly Natural Gas. Must be numerate Analytical, mathematical essential numerate and computer literate Must be I. T. literate CXL experience is preferred but not essential. Bachelor of Arts MBA or MSc in a relevant subject Credit Risk Manager Salary range: Permanent: 65,000 - 75,000 p. a. Location: West End, London Our client is an International corporation based in the Heart of London. As Credit Risk Manager you will analyse, continually monitor and review all aspects of credit risk pertaining to the European client portfolio. The role as Manager is to manage the function rather than manage staffs, and it will cover a broad spectrum of industries including Energy, Metals and Food Commodities to name but a few. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Credit analysis of new and existing customers using multi tools such as customers financial statements, credit reports, internal credit rating system and other independently sourced information Continuous monitoring of credit limits, terms of sale and maintenance of credit accounts within approved limits and terms. Research and analyse credit risk data and make reasoned recommendations on credit risk aspects 8211 specific responsibility will be for making recommendations to senior management for credit limits. Management of credit insurance. Undertake visits to counterparties as appropriate for due diligence purposes. Interfacing with companys partners, both internally and externally in order to obtain credit related information and intelligence. Monitor and report credit exposures and condition of accounts. Working in conjunction with Senior Management and all trading divisions to develop and maintain credit and risk management practices to reduceeliminate potential losses. Maintain and update Credit manuals as appropriate. Maintain on-going risk management education of all trading departments either via structured training sessions, seminars or day to day contact. Assist as necessary on the development of risk management systems. Manage and report documentation and contract issues to management. Desired Skills amp Experience REQUIRED SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: Broad Credit Risk experience to include trade finance. Strong financial analysis skills. Professional financialmanagement education. Good verbal and written communication skills. Working knowledge of any credit legal issues including export credit and securitisation to substantiate credit exposures. Excellent negotiation skills and time management. Ability to prioritise work with very high standard of accuracy and attention to detail. Good computer skills in Word, Excel and financial modelling. Ability to understand working in a multicultural environment, patient and flexible. University degree in businessfinanceaccounting, or analytically based discipline Experience of cross border credit. Experience of working closely with credit insurance underwriters. Ability to read and understand financial accounts in various European languages and knowledge of accounting terms of German, French, Italian, Spanish, IFRS and US GAAP. SAP Knowledge. Legal contractual knowledge. Good presentation skills including presenting both to senior management and non-management grades. Market Risk Analyst 8211 6 Months Contract Salary range: Fixed Term Contract: 50,000 - 60,000 Pro Rata Location: Docklands, London The role sits within the Market Risk Team whose role is to improve market risk measurement and control through, setting appropriate Market Risk policies and procedures, development of adequate Market Risk measurement models and provision of Market Risk advice to management on new activities and projects whilst continually maintaining high levels of communication with the Front Office team. The position will be based in London, and will have the following responsibilities: Run risk models and production of Market Risk numbers (including VaR, Stress Testing, Historical Simulation, Liquidity metrics) Provide explanation for changes and interacting with Front-Office in understanding the trading strategies underpinning and driving the risk. Provide coordinationdrive for the identification of market risk issues, identify possible solutions and coordinate implementation of the preferred approach with Middle Office and trading Interpret market risk policies and ensure correct application. In particular, heshe will have sole responsibility for the interpretation of Market Risk Standard and Delegation of Authority Policy. Provide Market Risk input required as part of the process through which new activities and projects considered by the Front Office are being evaluated and approved. Work with the Middle Office to ensure that adequate Market Risk discipline and control prevails. Ensure that risk models and methodologies used are in line with policy requirements. Provide input into the definition of market risk policies and procedures. The candidate will work in support of the above, and will be expected to initiate progress opportunities for process improvements, enhance accuracy and completeness of market risk metrics, and advance cross-regional product analysis Desired Skills amp Experience ESSENTIAL EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE AND JOB REQUIREMENTS: Educated to minimum Bachelors Degree Level (or equivalent) is essential Heshe must be a team player able to operate within a complex and dynamic trading business. In addition, heshe must possess the interpersonal, communication and decision-making skills, coupled with the business acumen and sound commercial judgement to build credible relationships across the wider business. Market Risk Expertise: The Candidate will be familiar with the principles of market risk measurement and control. Heshe will have a good understanding of the alternative methods available to calculate value-at-risk, define appropriate risk factors, account for non-linear instruments, etc. The Candidate will also have practical experience using market risk systems, preferably but not necessarily in an energy environment. Heshe will be familiar with the practical difficultieslimitations of VAR and other risk measures (volumetric limits, Greeks, etc) The Candidate will have a sound understanding of the need for a robust risk management framework in a trading environment. Heshe will know how risk limits should be set and controlled in order to ensure that the organisation only takes the risks it is comfortable with and the Candidate will also have a good understanding of the fundamentals of trading. The Candidate will also have good programming abilities, ideally in MATLAB, also proficiency in Excel VBA programming would be preferred. Top 4 ACA Accounting Manager Salary range: Permanent: 40,000 - 47,000 Benefits Location: West End, London Our clients, part of a large International Trading Corporation with 60,000 employees globally, are a newly formed (2013) Power Generation company with Assets in several countries worldwide. The business is currently made up of wind assets in the Netherlands and France, solar assets in Portugal, France, Italy and Spain and a thermal power unit under construction in Jordan. The scale and complexity of the business is increasing rapidly, as new businesses are acquired and come on stream. Given its recent formation, and the rapid growth that it is going through, the team is focussed on establishing robust and scalable processes and systems that will meet the needs of the business in the years to come presenting the need to recruit this newly created position. As the newly appointed Accounting Manager, you will have the following responsibilities: Manage the bookkeeping for four UK companies Answer accounting procedure questions by researching and interpreting accounting policy and regulations Assist with analysing financial statements on a monthly basis and report on variances Secures financial information by completing data base backups Assist in documentation and monitoring of internal controls Prepare VAT and corporate tax returns Prepare financial statements under UK Gaap as required Maintains financial records for subsidiary companies Other Benefits including, 25 days holidays, Life assurance, Salary, Private medical expenses insurance, Private dental cover, non-contributory pension plan, Discretionary fx and more82308230 Desired Skills amp Experience Newly Qualified Chartered accountant Problem solving skills Capacity to drive changes and efficiency Interpret and analyse complex financial transactions Prepare accurate financial statements, reports and analyses timely Ability to meet assigned deadlines Prioritise the workload IFRS will be an asset Sage will be an asset Commodity Contracts Letters of Credit Analyst Salary range: Permanent: 25,000 - 35,000 p. a. Location: West End, London The successful candidate will be working for a creative, growing Trading business headquartered in London. Due to continued growth there is need to bring in additional staff to support requirements. The successful candidate will be working for a creative, growing Trading business headquartered in London. Due to continued growth there is need to bring in additional staff to support requirements. The Contract Administration team drafts and review all trade agreements to ensure that the business is fully and legally protected and to ensure that all contracts are consistent to prevent PampL losses and to ensure that all documentaryfinancial instruments are issued correctly. Preparing contracts and dealing with countering of contracts to conclusion. Computer filing, data entry, tracking and logging of contracts, and all related correspondence and e-mails. Raising invoices Input orders into the system Liaising with accounts finance team Opening LCs General ad hoc support Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent: 45,000 - 50,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London A major global integrated energy company and a market leader operating in oil and gas, oilfield services construction and engineering industries. Our client is a major global integrated energy company and a market leader operating in oil and gas, oilfield services construction and engineering industries. The role lies within the trading arm responsible for the marketing of overseas crude oil and crude oil products, gas and derivatives. The main activity and responsibility is the buying and selling of crude oil and gas from and to other Divisions and affiliates, and third parties. Scope of the Position: To conduct risk analysis on the portfolio, report the PampL and to keep the trading position accurately up to date. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities: To carry out risk analysis by creating the daily risk management reports (covering physical and financial exposures, mark to market, value at risk, PampL, scenario analysis and credit exposure) Good understanding and working knowledge of risk metrics, especially VaR. To highlight any variances (or potential future variances) of the trading activity compared to the mandate To manage any ad hoc risk analysis. To maintain the trading position by updating the trading bookstrading and risk management system with deals and prices. Candidate Specification Skills amp Experience: Relevant degree preferably in Economics, Finance or quantitative discipline. 1-2 years of experience in a trading environment is preferred but not compulsory Able to work additional hours, including a 7.30 am start 2 or 3 times a week Strong excel skills advanced with working knowledge of macros and VBA is essential. Knowledge of the energy markets (especially gas and power) would be an advantage Analytical skills, flexible and adaptable, good communicator, able to pay good attention to detail and be a good team worker. Are you able to work in London on a permanent basis Do you have good demonstrable experience of working with Risk Metrics, especially VaR Do you have advanced Excel skills (macros and VBA is essential) Do you have relevant work based knowledge of the energy markets Trading Accountant (Commodities) Salary range: Permanent - 50,000 - 60,000 p. a. (depending on experience current package) fx Benefits Location: East London and West End To measure and report the profits, losses and risks of the trading business daily. To produce monthly numbers on the trading system and have them incorporated into the accounts. Purpose of role To provide technical and business support to the world trading and operational refinery teams. To provide insightful challenge to business propositions. To provide timely, accurate and useful management reports, analyses and interpretation. The job-holder must be a strong character capable of building and developing relationships throughout the business. Commercial trading support Daily Reporting Keep up-to-date profit and position risk reports on the physical trading book, which includes hedging derivatives, and speculative books. Also a lot of emphasis on stock valuation. Preparation of Daily Profit amp Loss and Position Report, analyse results and provide explanations to traders and wider stakeholders. Analyse foreign exchange exposure. Review mark to market valuations. Discuss with management the changing risks facing the business. Drive planning, budgeting, forecasting and production of appropriate performance measures. Help the traders understand their responsibilities in maintaining a visible control over their business. Accounting Monthly reporting Process month end ITAS activities 8211 book the inventory journal entry, reconcile raw and white sugar inventory. Analyse and develop regular reports to allow operational understanding and accounting for stocks processing eg yield results. Analyse the monthly performance, work out key performance drivers and produce commentary. Focus on continuously improving processes and methods of regular routines to allow increasing focus on providing business support, analysis and financial advice. Other Tasks Resolve differences on inter-company balances and transactions tofrom trading business. Reconcile differences between trading and accounting system. Support internal and external audit processes. Provide support to the trade operations team re vessel accounting. Be a qualified accountant (CIMAACCAACA). Have experience of world market commodity trading including Futures and Options. Experience in SAP and BI or equivalent data warehousing and reporting tools. Have advanced Excel modelling skills and the ability to adapt models for users with less advanced Excel skills. Have experience of modelling projects and what-if scenarios and of providing interpretation and advice. Have experience in writing reports and developing presentations. Must be able to work effectively under time pressure. Physical Operator Fuel Oil Salary range: 80,000 p. a Location: Singapore We are looking for candidates with experience on the products and in operations. These roles are for experiencedsenior operators who know the products they will work on. Key Activities 038 Accountabilities: Co-ordinates all shippinglogistics in order to effect the trade smoothly and successfully. Obtain clean acceptance of vessels on subjects and notify Chartering of progress in this regard. Review and comment on contracts. Issue voyage orders and LOI8217s to Ship-owner. Monitor progress of the vessel during voyages. Appoint Shipping Agents and Independent Inspectors. Issue documentary instructions to Contract Supplier. Check freight calculations against CP and arrange for the payment of same. LiaiseCoordinate with Finance, providing them with accurate and timely data needed for issuing of LC8217s and obtaining PUs. Ensure invoicing of and payment of cargoes. Monitor accounts receivables and issue interest invoices where applicable. Maximise recoveries and ensure that all claims to third parties are correctly documented and presented. Secure payment of third party claims. Maintain good Contract and Shipping files. Maintain good working practise with other Trade support divisions 8211 keeping demurrage section advised with progress status of vessels at load and discharge ports. Ensure that the internal system is the primary tool for information is updated regularly and at all times reflects the latest information available. Monitors and advises deals desk all costs related with each transaction (PL awareness) Prepare cargo chaterer liability insurance declarations in a timely manner Completes voyage reconciliations and identifies lossgain differences for every operation Complete storage reconciliations and identify and investigate lossgain differences Responsible for all aspects of customs exportationimportation where applicable. Collect information for trading opportunities. provide technical and team management support to Group Operations Manager and any other support as required. Establish andor maintain good working relationships with Contractual Operations Counterparts and with third party service Companies on a regular basis regarding post deal activities (Local and International). Deal with local and international clients on a regular basis regarding post deal activities. Ensures revenues maximised claims documented payments secured. Experienced in physical oil operations Understanding of technical shipping and maritime terminology Good understanding of commercial shipping and the impact on oil cargo operations. Financial Accountant Salary range: 35,000-45,000 p. a. plus fx Location: West London Our client is a widely recognised trading company, based in the West of London. Current employees benefit from 9am - 5pm standard working hours, 33 days annual leave plus other market leading benefits, and work in a very Corporate and professional environment As Financial Accountant, you will have the following principal duties and responsibilities: Input month and quarter end journals some are complicated and materially significant for the financial statements (e. g. Mark to Market entries). Produce parts of the monthly reporting package e. g. Balance Sheet, Stock Ageing Report and Overdue Accounts Reports. Advise trading divisions on the accounting treatment required for new or changed transactions. Checkingauthorisation of all non-trade related expenses (including all employee expense claims). Checkingauthorisation of expense allocationsrecharges, Information Service Fees and non trade related service fees. Strict controlreconciliation of the recharge ledger. Checkingauthorisation of other expense related invoices and receipts. Reconciliation of local and expatriate staff payroll expense and loan ledgers Settlementposting of Head Office Current Account (HOCA) entries, and overall management of the HOCA. Detailed monitoringstrict and timely reporting of all issues on the Company8217s ledgers Checkingposting of all new, expense related, customervendor registrations Other ad-hoc reconciliationsduties related to trade accounting Provide on the job training to other members of the team Supervise staff in relation to operating expenses QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS REQUIRED: Practical experience of managing an expenses function and ledger control ACCACIMAACA qualified (or equivalent) is preferred but not essential Previous experience working in a professional, corporate environment is essential Strong accounting knowledge essential Excellent proven UK tax experience in relation to expense issues ie. VAT, Income Tax 038 Corporation Tax Excellent organisational and time management skills as the volume of transactions is high, together with an ability to work to deadlines and under pressure Word, Excel and PowerPoint skills to at least intermediate level (eg. pivot tables etc.) Experience of SAP preferred Basic Salary between 35,000 8211 45,000 plus benefits including Stakeholder Pension Scheme, fx, Life Assurance, Private Health Insurance, Dental Cover, 9am 8211 5pm Standard working hours plus Bank Holidays Trading Capability Graduate programme Salary range: 27,000p. a. Location: London Our client is a rapidly growing, global energy trading business looking to recruit talented individuals with the skills and imagination to match their ambition helping to develop their expertise, allowing them to flourish and ensuring that they become part of the on-going success story. As a graduate within the Trading Capability team your role will be to help support the expansion of the business and its subsidiaries into new markets and commodities both in Europe and globally. The successful applicant would be joining a highly motivated team with a strong track record of delivery at the heart of the business8217s global expansion efforts. The team liaise with most operational departments within the company to ensure readiness to execute trades on new capability, acting as a contact point between the traders and the rest of the business. The role offers great opportunity for growth, cross commodity experience and can lead to a project management position over time taking on the responsibility for delivery of large complex projects. Who we want: Applicants need excellent financial, analytical, and communication skills combined with strong interpersonal skills. We also need candidates with natural business acumen: some experience in a commercial or financial environment (especially energy or trading) would be an advantage. It8217s a high pressure environment and the deadlines are tight, but it8217s an exciting, dynamic and rewarding place to be. Characteristics and competencies Close knit teams are core to the success, working both individually and together to deliver value through solutions tailored for business needs. The characteristics that we feel contribute to this are: Diligence and reliability Ability to work effectively either as part of a team, or alone Able to cope with pressured situations and rapid growth of business Strong organisational and planning skills Ability to foster and build relationships across teams Ability to influence thinking Willingness to learn new skills Skills and qualifications The teams rely on a solid foundation of knowledge gained through education and experience. We would expect you to have a degree level education (2.1 or above) in maths, science, engineering, economics or a related numerate discipline. In addition, we seek: Excellent analytical skills and strong attention to detail A high level of numeracy and computer skills Effective written and verbal communication skills Fluent in both written and spoken English Basic knowledge of working in the energy industry desirable Main Responsibilities in the Trading Capability Team You will work in the Trading Capability Team, participating in the development of the company8217s growth strategy. There will also be opportunities to assist the Project Managers in supporting the strategic development of individual business units within the company The main responsibilities within the Trading Capability Team are to review the processes across the Company with an overall objective of reinvigorating our processes in order to maximise revenue opportunities and reduce costs. Trading Capability8217s remit has been expanded across all Commercial areas to develop the platforms required for enhanced trading success. The team facilitates the development of a strong portfolio of counterparty trading documents, in support of business expansion. The Trading Capability Team is currently engaged in projects concerning the following commodities: Gas, Power, Carbon, physical and financial Oil, FX, green certificates, Coal and Biomass. All involve a close working relationship with the trading desks. Head of Finance 8211 Energy Salary range: 80,000- 120,000 p. a plus comprehensive benefits package Location: Central London Our client is a fast growing business which forms part of a Global Group, which consolidates, trades and supplies electricity representing an excellent opportunity to join an exciting business within the Energy Sector. Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer, a new hands-on Vice President Finance is required to lead and manage a team of 16 qualified and part-qualified accounting staff responsible for all aspects of accounting and finance. Responsibilities will include but may not be limited to: Accounting Policy. Statutory Financial Reporting. Financial and accounting compliance. Liaising with internal and external auditors. Budgeting and reviewing all the revenues, gross margin and expenditures against budgets, and re-forecasting. Prepare the medium and long term financial projection. Provide financial input, analysis and expertise to any business development activities. Consolidation and reconciliation of information from different IT systems (Zainet, ETRM, SBS, ERS) into SAP Accounting system. Timely presentation of accurate monthly management accounts. Day to day oversight and management of the finance group (currently 16 staff). Responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing and credit control. Funding strategy, cash flow forecasting, borrowing facilities. Fixed asset, purchase orders etc and generally supporting the management and the business system. University degree (or equivalent) Qualified Accountant ACA, ACCA, CIMA (or equivalent) Minimum 15 years8217 relevant experience in accounting roles Fully conversant with UK GAAP and IFRS Previous experience of managing a finance team Understanding of electricity industry or commodity trading Experience of significant process and system change programmes Experience of managing and controlling large volumes of data Understanding of energy trading related accounting standards Experience gained in an FSA regulated company would be preferred. Settlements Analyst Receivables Billing Commodity Trading Salary range: 34,000-38,000 p. a plus fx and excetional benefits Location: Docklands The Lead Settlements Analyst is responsible for all aspects of International Sales Invoices for the Trading and the day to day supervision of two analysts. You will be expected to manage all aspects of the relationship ensuring transactions and queries are dealt with efficiently. The role sits within the Central Service Operations function which provides Global Central Settlement Services for the Trading Function and will provide Settlement operations. The team provides Trade Settlement support for three trading functions in Asia, United Kingdom and the US. Key Accountabilities o Daily Supervision of 2 Analysts o Ensure team produce Daily Invoicing for International Activity o Ensure Complaint Credit Notes are produced in a timely manner to counterparties by the Analysts o Ensure team prompt Brokerage payments and send Remittance advices o Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reporting for the Marine team o Develop relationships with local invoicing operational teams o Act as single point of accountability for International Activity o Actively seek and implement new efficient ways of performing role o Understand and adhere to control and compliance policies o Ad hoc projects Essential Criteria o Good communicating and interpersonal skills, networking and influencing, are essential o Relationship Management with internal and highly sensitive external customers, globally o Ability to manage workload independently to clear performance drives with little supervision o Highly numerate o Proactive nature o Problem Solver o Team working skills o Numeracy and Accuracy o IT skills o Flexibility and ability to work in pressurised situations o Determination to complete 8211 and to deadline. o Excel Experience (Intermediate) Desired Criteria o Part qualified in CIMAACCA or equivalent experience o SAP Experience o Pricing for Oil 038 Products Quantitative 038 Market Risk Analyst Salary range: 55000- 75000 plus fx and benefits Location: City Our client, an Energy and Commodity trading business, are seeking a Quantitative Market Risk Analyst join the Risk function, which provides both independent oversight of their trading activities as well as support the business in various commercial decision making capacities. The teams remit includes: Running of risk models and production of divisional market risk numbers (including MVaR) Providing explanation of why these numbers have changed, and engaging with the different Market Risk Managers to understand the trading strategies underpinning the risk that is being measured. Coordinate and develop central analysis and infrastructure for analyzing holistic market risks across regions and trading books. Quantitative analysis of market risk either on a portfolio level orand on a deal basis and help assessing risk methodologies. Interface with Quant teams to understand and facilitate analysis and information between market risk and Front office and middle office Quants. Responsible to support Head of Market Risk in engaging other regions to deliver wide requests as well as risk reports. Provide support on Market Risk analysis. Interpreting divisional market risk policies and ensuring their applications for the divisions portfolio. Responsible for keeping up to date the limit registry process over official MVaR reporting and limits. Data maintenance and consolidation for use in analysis and the creation of Global Market Risk Reports The successful candidate will work in support of the above, and will be expected to initiate progress opportunities for process improvements, enhance accuracy and completeness of market risk metrics, and advance cross-regional product analysis. Calculation and analysis of daily MVaR and regular back-testing working with regional market risk team specialists on investigation and analysis of risk Quantitative analysis of market risk either on a portfolio level orand on a deal basis and help assessing risk methodologies Participate in small big projects to introduce new systems or new market risk control measures Preparing the daily monthly divisional Market Risk Report, including engaging with other market risk teams to draw out meaningful commentary. Working with stakeholders to improve data quality, enhancing the daily process using automation or process re-design. Maintain data for use in analysis and creation of market risk reports. Prepare presentations and analysis packs about divisional market risk for use in senior management meetings. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ROLE: University degree in subject areas such as Engineering, Finance 038 IT or equivalent. Strong presentation skills Good IT skills 8211 e. g. superior standard of familiarity with Excel, SQL, C VBA, Access. Matlab is an advantage Solid understanding of statistical techniques is an advantage and familiarity with key market risk concepts 8211 e. g. Value-at-Risk, Stress-testing is an advantage Quantitative analysis of market risk in commodityenergy deals 8211 physical optionality, assessment of risk methodologies other than VaR. Very good knowledge and experience in measuring market risk on options and understanding of option models, Greeks. Basic understanding of oil markets and trading instruments. Experience of reporting and analysing VaR or PnL. Purchase Ledger Clerk Salary range: 19,000-21,000 pa Location: London Our client, a successful Retail business, are recruiting an Accounts Payable Clerk, whose role will be to process merchandise invoices from input through to account reconciliations, ensuring accurate payment of supplier accounts. Our client, a successful Retail business, are recruiting an Accounts Payable Clerk, whose role will be to process merchandise invoices from input through to account reconciliations, ensuring accurate payment of supplier accounts. Input of manual merchandise ledger invoices where appropriate Daily reconciliation of Invoices received Accurate and timely matching of invoices, investigate any invoices that do not match and liaise with storessuppliers to resolve Dealing with credit queries Reconciliation of supplier accounts, ensuring that any un-reconciled items are investigated and resolved Debit Notes Debit Note Repays Preparing payment runs for Merchandise Suppliers on a monthly basis KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Previous work based experience within a similar environment is preferable High volume data experience Ability to work on own initiative Excellent organisational skills Excellent telephone manner REQUIRED EDUCATION: Current AAT Studier or A Level Educated Commodity Settlements Team Leader Salary range: Permanent - 40,000 - 50,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Central London An exciting opportunity to work for one of the worlds top Integrated Energy trading companies. The position is responsible for supporting the Settlements Manager in providing a world class settlements service to the rapidly growing and changing business. An exciting opportunity to work for one of the worlds top Integrated Energy trading companies. The position is responsible for supporting the Settlements Manager in providing a world class settlements service to the rapidly growing and changing business. The role is an excellent opportunity for a talented and motivated individual to either build on their management skills or climb the first rung of the managerial ladder. The role will build their exposure across a range of energy products and the organisation, while working in a dynamic and ambitious company which is the main trading arm of the worlds largest gas producer. The key tasks of this role are: Leading and managing a small sub team within the Settlements department ensuring the timely settlement of gas and power physical products, from issuing of confirmations to invoicing of these trades across the product range Working closely with Front Office representatives for these products, supporting and initiating improvements to the trading systems and work flow processes within Settlements, Finance and across FO to Settlements, to implementation and extension of these suggestions in order to support the expansion of the companys geographic and product reach Liaising and working with the Settlements Manager and Transformation teams to develop Settlements capability within the trading systems proactively Liaison with various teams within the organisation from Risk Management, Legal, IT, Finance, Treasury and Credit teams to ensure integrity of data within the trading system to accurate reporting within defined timescales Supporting the trading desk in counterparty relationships and in ensuring quality information flows across the business Maintaining excellent working relationships with counterparties and other teams within the organisation. Supporting and developing members of the team in their growth and development. Duties and Responsibilities: Gas and Power confirmations, invoicing and reporting Ensuring the team actively manages the issue of timely and accurate confirmations to counterparties and investigating and resolving discrepancies Monitoring the number of outstanding confirmations to ensure that risk is minimised Ensuring the team issues invoices for the various commodities and products according to the specific contractual terms by generating sales and shadow invoices, including detailed back up Proactively investigating and taking action to resolve any disputes with counterparties Develop in depth understanding of the various general amp bespoke contract terms and conditions for the products and develop robust validation techniques for these invoices Be the key point of contact for FO for gas and power non standard and intergroup contracts Liaising with parent company for the provision of sales and purchases summary to the Reporting team as a basis for accruals and final invoice details for monthly reporting, to meet reporting timetable Ensuring all processes, procedures and controls are constantly reviewed, documented and updated. Responsibility for the recruitment, development, motivation and performance of the team Working with the Settlements Manager and other Lead Analysts to ensure the Settlements team is efficiently trained across a range of products Building solid working relationships with internal amp external counterparties and stakeholders Deputising for the Settlements Manager as required Senior Credit Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 75,000 - 102,000 fx Bens Location: Geneva, Switzerland A great opportunity to work for a successful Oil Trading business based in Geneva As the Senior Credit Risk Analyst, your primary purpose is to support the Groups business and to protect its interests in accordance with the Companys strategy. Senior Credit Risk Analyst 8211 75,000 8211 102,500 fx Benefits Based: Geneva A great opportunity to work for a successful Oil Trading business based in Geneva As the Senior Credit Risk Analyst, your primary purpose is to support the Groups business and to protect its interests in accordance with the Companys strategy. Act as gatekeeper to ensure that Credit Risk Procedures are compliant with Managements expectations. Assist and interact with other departments within the Company (Trading, Legal, Contract Desk, Finance, Accounting, Letter of Credit Desk, Cash Control, and others). Preparation of Credit Lines 8211 Spot Approvals: Assess the credit worthiness of the Groups counterparts, which includes the operating environment, shareholding structure, quality of management, financial structure, and comparison with peers. Establishment and renewal of credit lines and spot approvals Handle Tenders Terms reviewing and assess inherent risks to best protect the Groups interests. Responsible for negotiating reciprocal Credit Lines Assisting CRM in monitoring exposures on various counterparts (credit line utilization). Reporting to Credit Control in case of overexposure credit breach. Manage parental guarantees received. Assist in ISDAs negotiations between Third Parties and the Legal Department. Scope amp Interactions Follow-up on counterpart evolution, meet counterparts. Identify and submit alternative Credit Risk Coverage solutions ( banks, Insurances) Support new business development together with Traders and Business Development. Participate in ad hoc projects (i. e. ETRM 2011 Project) take actions to develop and implement new projects related to Credit Risk Management Participate in the Credit amp Risk Management Committee and Traders meeting Upon Head of Credit Risks demand, act as back up in terms of Credit Risks, Credit Control and any daily issues. Train and mentor other less experienced Credit Risk team members. Act as gatekeeper to ensure that Credit Risk Procedures are compliant with Managements expectations. Assist and interact with other departments within the Company (Trading, Legal, Contract Desk, Finance, Accounting, Letter of Credit Desk, Cash Control, and others). Preparation of Credit Lines 8211 Spot Approvals: Assess the credit worthiness of the Groups counterparts, which includes the operating environment, shareholding structure, quality of management, financial structure, and comparison with peers. Establishment and renewal of credit lines and spot approvals Handle Tenders Terms reviewing and assess inherent risks to best protect the Groups interests. Responsible for negotiating reciprocal Credit Lines Assisting CRM in monitoring exposures on various counterparts (credit line utilization). Reporting to Credit Control in case of overexposure credit breach. Manage parental guarantees received. Assist in ISDAs negotiations between Third Parties and the Legal Department. Scope amp Interactions Follow-up on counterpart evolution, meet counterparts. Identify and submit alternative Credit Risk Coverage solutions ( banks, Insurances) Support new business development together with Traders and Business Development. Participate in ad hoc projects (i. e. ETRM 2011 Project) take actions to develop and implement new projects related to Credit Risk Management Participate in the Credit amp Risk Management Committee and Traders meeting Upon Head of Credit Risks demand, act as back up in terms of Credit Risks, Credit Control and any daily issues. Train and mentor other less experienced Credit Risk team members. Senior Oil TradeProduct Control Salary range: Permanent - 55,000 - 65,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London The creation of a new Trading team has created a fantastic opportunity to join a very forward thinking Commodity Trading company whose primary markets are Crude, Gas, Power and CO2, a company who is striving to be a leading global presence with the aid of equally aspiring employees Main Job Function: The trade control team will provide daily performance and control analysis of the trading business and will work very closely with the traders and the other parts of the trading business. This is a pivotal team in this dynamic business and experience of this area could lead to a range of interesting and challenging career options in the trading and shipping business. The team provides real-time front-line control and management information for management, vessel charters and traders. This includes daily profit and loss measurement, trading exposure reporting, and risk reporting. Because of the unique position of the team in the middle of the commercial activities, the team will also support broader commercial activities. Key Responsibility Areas: Manage performance feedback of junior staff together with the Trade Control Manager Supervise procedural compliance identify and document process opportunities Report timely and accurate daily market exposure and profit and loss for a trading book and ensuring consistency with accounting ledgers analyse and investigate results obtained from the underlying data Provide routine analyses of book performance to the vessel charters and traders Use knowledge of the books activities to understand and explain commercial activities and strategies Spot and remedy any problems with relevant data (transaction, market or reference data) Monitor vessel charters and traders adherence against their delegated authority Guarantee compliance for trading procedures with relevant controls Contribute to new business initiatives, systems or process improvement projects Train other teams and share expertise Maintain a good knowledge of market conditions through the use of provided tools Maintain good relations with vessel charters and traders and other parts of the business Relevant experience within a Trade Control Product Control environment in an oil trading company Experience in heavy and middle distillates Knowledge of control processes applicable in a trading regulated environment Knowledge of financial hedging on Oil amp Products Commodity trading business experience Vessel chartering, shipping or bulk commodity movement Familiarity with asset commercial performance measurement concepts Knowledge of vessel chartering or trading in physical oil Robust interpersonal communication skills Ability to work within a team and meet strict deadlines Ability to display attention to detail at all times Senior Trade Product Control Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London An integrated energy company, committed to developing its activities in research, production, transport, transformation and marketing of oil and natural gas are expanding their London operations with this key appointment Key Responsibility Areas: Manage performance feedback of junior staff together with the Trade Control Manager Report timely and accurate daily market exposure and profit and loss for a trading book and ensuring consistency with accounting ledgers Provide routine analyses of book performance to the vessel charters and traders Use knowledge of the books activities to understand and explain commercial activities and strategies Spot and remedy any problems with relevant data (transaction, market or reference data) Monitor vessel charters and traders adherence against their delegated authority Guarantee compliance for trading procedures with relevant controls Contribute to new business initiatives, systems or process improvement projects Train other teams and share expertise Relevant experience within a Trade Control environment in an oil trading company Mid-office experience is essential Experience in heavy and middle distillates Knowledge of control processes applicable in a trading regulated environment Knowledge of financial hedging on Oil amp Products Trade Product Control Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 55,000 - 65,000 fx Benefits Location: West End, London An integrated energy company, committed to developing its activities in research, production, transport, transformation and marketing of oil and natural gas are expanding their London operations with this key appointment The trade control team will provide daily performance and control analysis of the trading business and will work very closely with the traders and the other parts of the ETS business. This is a pivotal team in this dynamic business and experience of this area could lead to a range of interesting and challenging career options in the trading and shipping business. KEY RESPONSIBILITY AREAS: Report timely and accurate daily market exposure and profit and loss for a trading book and ensuring consistency with accounting ledgers Analyse and investigate results obtained from the underlying data Provide routine analyses of book performance to the vessel charters and traders Measure and providing insights into commercial performance Spot and remedy any problems with relevant data (transaction, market or reference data) Monitor vessel charters and traders adherence against their delegated authority Guarantee compliance for trading procedures with relevant controls Contribute to new business initiatives, systems or process improvement projects Train other teams and share expertise Maintain a good knowledge of market conditions through the use of provided tools Maintain good relations with vessel charters and traders and other parts of the ETS business Reconcile management information to accounting data on a timely and accurate basis. Cover other analysts within the team when necessary Mid-office experience Relevant experience within a Trade Control environment in an oil trading company Knowledge of financial hedging on oil amp products Knowledge of vessel chartering or trading in physical oil Robust interpersonal communication skills Knowledge of control processes applicable in a trading regulated environment Familiarity with asset commercial performance measurement concepts Knowledge of one or more ETS IT systems would be an advantage (Openlink, Zainet, ICTS). Senior Market Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 60,000 - 70,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London An integrated energy company, committed to developing its activities in research, production, transport, transformation and marketing of oil and natural gas are expanding their London operations with this key appointment KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES Analyse and quantify exposure and market risk profile of contracts and assets Analyse and quantify volatilities and correlations of commodity prices Develop market risk models (Value at Risk, Profit at Risk etc.) and stochastic models for monitoring market risk profile Develop and quantify market risk limits Develop ad hoc models for structured transactions Analyse and quantify Greeks of physical and financial options (Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta) Develop methodologies for performing effectiveness tests on financial hedging Drive projects for implementation of market risk methodologies, volatilities and correlations in IT systems (Openlink, Zainet, ICTS) Guarantee compliance of market risk procedures CANDIDATE SPECIFICATION SKILLS amp EXPERIENCE University degree preferably in Economics, Finance or quantitative discipline. Sound background Statistics sciences. Understanding of the energy markets is a essential. Understanding of options theory and models is a essential Risk experience in Gas is essential whilst experience with Power and CO2 would be an advantage. Knowledge of one or more ETS IT systems would be an advantage (Openlink, Zainet, ICTS). Banking Financial Service Commodity or Trading background. Analytical mind. Good attention to detail. Good interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to build and nurture effective relationships across multiple disciplines of ETS organisation. Flexibility and adaptability to work in rapidly changing environment Proactive approach to problem solving, and ability to identify and set priority actions and handle a high workload. Be a good team player. Full command of English language (written and spoken). Credit Risk Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 50,000 - 60,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: West End, London An integrated energy company, committed to developing its activities in research, production, transport, transformation and marketing of oil and natural gas Analyse and quantify credit risk profile of a single counterparty and of a portfolio of counterparties (Credit exposure and expected losses) Assess creditworthiness of a counterparty Develop and quantify credit risk limits and margining thresholds Run daily credit reports and monitor daily credit risk limits Manage collaterals for credit risk mitigationSupport negotiation of Credit Support Annexes, Netting Agreements Drive projects for implementation of credit risk limits and reports in IT systems (Openlink, Zainet)Guarantee compliance of credit risk procedures Candidate Specification Skills amp Experience University degree preferably in Economics, Finance or quantitative discipline. Minimum of 2 years experience in credit management of Banking Financial Service Commodity or Trading firms. Understanding of the energy markets is a essential. Risk experience in Gas is essential whilst experience with Power and CO2 would be an advantage. Knowledge of one or more ETS IT systems would be an advantage (Openlink, Zainet) Availability to frequent travels to Bruxelles Treasury Analyst (Graduate) Salary range: Permanent - 45,000 - 50,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Lucerne, Switzerland Finance Graduate role responsible for administrating daily Treasury activities such as effecting purchase payments, identifying received funds and management of the loans. Based in Lucerne, Switzerland Responsible for administrating daily Treasury activities such as effecting purchase payments, identifying received funds and management of the loans Effecting payment and transfers on behalf of Treasury, Finance amp Hedging Department through either internet-banking or fax Ensuring Sales Receipts from customers are received on a timely basis and quickly reported to Operations Checking with Accounting and Operations that payment orders comply with standards and procedures Performing Market to Market Evaluation of loans Liaison with Banks to ensure the correct management of loans Handling cash concentration to the division pool accounts Handling swift copies and special cases arising with banks in day-to-day tasks Reviewing bank reconciliation and liaising with accounting Directly liaising with banks to ensure smooth execution of daily Treasury tasks Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Minimum 1 year internship work experience in an multinational environment Bachelor degree in Economics English fluent (writtenverbal), any other language would be an asset Ability to be flexible, handle stressful situations and work to firm deadlines Precise, efficient and accurate working style with excellent attention to detail to complete the daily processes Good team-player and an open personality with energy and drive Good working knowledge of Microsoft products (Excel, Word) and flair for IT systems Market Risk Specialist Salary range: Permanent - 50,000 - 60,000 p. a. fx Exc. Benefits Location: Docklands, London Our client deals in the exploration, production, refining, trading and distribution of energy. The role is about improving market risk measurement and control through: (i) Maintenance and development of robust market risk measurement models (ii) Interpretation and improvement of market risk policies and procedures (iii) Analysis of market conditions and trading positions Key accountabilities Interpreting existing company market risk policies and ensuring their correct application in GTEL as well as providing input into the definition of new policies and procedures Daily reporting of Value at Risk metrics as well as other risk model outputs including rigorous analysis of changes with regards to market environment and trading strategies Engaging the Front Office, other functions, and management to ensure transparency of market risk drivers Providing market risk input required as part of the functional assurance process through which new activities and projects considered by the Front Office are being evaluated and approved Essential experience and job requirements Several years of relevant experience preferably in natural gas trading, market risk, or middle office environment Thorough understanding of Value at Risk concepts and other risk measurement tools including their pitfalls and limitations Strong analytical skills including the ability to understand and communicate complex transactions with embedded optionality as well as the ability to assess the market risk impact of those transactions on an existing portfolio Candidate must be a team player with the ability to perform under pressure in a dynamic environment, the ability to handle numerous tasks simultaneously, and the ability to prioritise Familiarity with option valuation models, Monte Carlo simulation techniques, calculation of option Greeks, etc. Strong numeracy and advanced Excel skills Essential Education A solid University degree in a quantitative discipline (finance, engineering, etc.) is a requirement. Professional qualifications in financial analysis, risk management, business, or operations research would be desirable, but are not required. Desirable criteria and qualifications MatlabVBA programming skills BloombergEnergyscopeBusiness ObjectsOpenlink experience Market Risk Analyst (Oil) Salary range: Permanent - 50,000 - 55,000 p. a. fx Exc. Benefits Location: London Our client is a leading Oil Trader, wholesale, and retail business who are seeking a Risk Analyst to work in the Middle Office whose departmental responsibilities are as follows: Monitor and report position to Management in London. Monitor and report MTM PampL to Management in London. Liaise with Headquarters Controlling department on the above position for Risk reporting. Prepare opening FX requirement from IT System for execution by Marketing and Supply. Prepare daily profitability analysis. Manage standing data, trades and create complex contracts. Provide support and problem solving skills around system to all users. Manage transaction data in the Accounting module. Reconcile Futures account to broker statement. Prepare contract confirmations for spot presale business from system, match to deal sheets and issue to customers. Prepare and maintain records of trade amendments and input quality. Agree and arrange for settlement the monthly swap trading. Duties and Responsibilities of Risk Analyst: Position and Forecast Position analysis Review PampL in system and produce Daily PampL Report Set up and maintain market curves Monitor the integrity of commodity (physical and hedge) and FX deal entry Square physical positions with theoretical hedges Guide the Marketing team with ideas about pricing provisions and deal entry requirements in system. Back Office position impact analysis. Scheduling position impact analysis. Local technical support for system to Back Office, Supply and Marketing. Ad-hoc project work to develop new reports Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: High level of numeracy Commercial awareness Understanding of systems Excellent organizational skills Able to work on own initiative as well as being a team player Able to adapt to different working environments Credentials and Experience required: Educated to degree standard. Previous work based experience working within an oil industry environment, preferably within wholesale business. Proficient Excel-skills. Salary amp Benefits: 45,000 8211 55,000 depending level of previous experience Company health scheme, Company pension scheme, Childcare vouchers, Free membership Gym, Season Ticket loan, Discretionary fx paid on personal and company performance. Gas Settlements Analyst Salary range: Temporary - 16.00 - 22.00 per hour Location: London A major global Oil Gas Trading company based in London are creating a new Global Shared Settlements team to offer world class settlements and analysis across it8217s global. The roles will be offered on an ongoing temporary Contract commencing in November 2011. The scope of the roles include, but are not limited to: As a Settlements Analyst you will be wholly responsible for a suite of 3rd Parties and Group companies and you will be expected to manage all aspects of the relationship ensuring transactions and queries are dealt with efficiently. The role is within the wider Financial Settlements Team, part of Global Central Services. The team provides Trade Settlement support for three trading functions in Singapore, London and Chicago. As a global trading organisation you may be required to work an early shift (from 7am), or a late shift (until 7pm), in addition there will be requirements to work on some bank holidays and weekends. - Raising amp Issuing 3rd Party AR Invoices (oil or ancillary) in line with highly variable contractual due dates OR Reconciling and paying incoming AP invoices, creating recharge invoices where necessary Raising amp Issuing Intercompany Party AR Invoices (oil or ancillary) in line with highly variable contractual due dates - Confirming incoming cash amp consolidating to daily cash forecast within tolerance - Resolving volume, tax and other disputes in a timely manner - Managing re-invoicing workload due to operational data or pricing updates - Ensuring all invoices are tax compliant - Managing overdue debt - understand and adhere to control and compliance policies - Reconciling and matching payments fir incoming AP invoices, creating recharge invoices where necessary - Managing the Quarterly Group Agreement process - Resolving volume, tax and other disputes in a timely manner Skills amp Experience Required - Thorough understanding of Commodity Settlements Process (ideally energy), gained in a Banking or Commodity Trading Environment - System Literate 8211 SAP experience is essential, and wide range of other in-house transactional systems - Relationship Management with internal and highly sensitive external customers, globally - Strong and confident communication skills - Ability to manage workload independently to clear performance measurements with little supervision - An accounting background is desirable experience of Intercompany Processes would be advantageous, but not essential. Product Control Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 50,000 - 60,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Docklands, London Blue Chip Commodities Trading Company based in Canary Wharf, London, now looking for a Product Control Analyst to join their Distillate Oil Product Control team. The organisation is a key player in global commodities trading presenting great career opportunities for the right individual. This position could lead to management opportunities in the Product Control function or lead to other opportunities in Front Office Trading or Risk. The London Distillate Product Control team is responsible for managing the distillate oil trading activity in Europe. It is an important member of the global Distillate Product Control organisation which includes teams in Global Oil Americas (Cantera), Calgary and Eastern Hemisphere (Singapore). The distillate product control team provides front-line control and management information for management and traders. This includes daily profit and loss reporting, trading exposure reporting, and risk reporting as well as performing the month end close for the books. In addition, the team also supports broader commercial activities including helping with: 8211 systems projects 8211 analysis of business opportunities 8211 providing deep insights into commercial performance 8211 monitoring trader adherence to authorised limits The role reports to the Regional Head of Product Control Distillate, London, and is member of a team of 10. The purpose of this role is to provide control and management information for front, mid and back office, including: 8211 Production of daily system of record exposure 8211 Daily Profit amp Loss and accompanying analysis and insight 8211 Monitoring of Delegations of Authority and adherence to trading limits 8211 Enhance the control environment through critical evaluation of current controls and processes, utilisation of best practice and the introduction of ongoing improvements. 8211 Own the relationship with the relevant trader(s) and manage relationships with other teams and functions 8211 Forecast working capital requirements. 8211 Spot and remedy issues with trading positions and explain trading performance and strategies. 8211 Support process and system improvements through leading and participating in various project initiatives. 8211 Analysing and investigating the results obtained to the underlying data. The ideal candidate will be at least a graduate from a Top University and have a minimum 12 months physical commodities product control (oil) experience together with knowledge of control processes applicable in a trading regulated environment and working knowledge of trading and derivatives. Physical Commodities product Control experience is a must for this role. Ideally the candidate would be a studying towards further accounting or financial qualifications (ACCA, CIMA, CFA, or other relevant professional qualifications will be considered). In return you will get a competitive base salary, fx and huge benefits package, superb training and one of the best career paths in the market in an excellent working environment Back Office Analyst Salary range: Permanent - 24,000 - 26,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Docklands, London Our client is recognised as one of the Worlds largest Integrated Energy Companies. We are seeking a Back Office Analyst to work in the Trading division Our client is recognised as one of the Worlds largest Integrated Energy Companies. We are seeking a Back Office Analyst to work in the Trading division, within the Trading Floor, where you will find a fast paced trading environment The position requires daily interaction with other departments within the organization and Industry and contractual deadlines to be respected. Manage a portfolio of trading counterparts. Check traders supply accurate deal-sheetselectronic download reports for trades validated within our in-house trading system. Ensure that accurate trading information is represented within the trading system by confirming deals with counterparts on a daily basis. Reconcile counterpartpipeline invoices against the system. Send invoices to counterparts without exceeding deadlines set within the industry as well as contractually. Submit payment instructions to finance in a timely manner allowing them to comply with contractual payment dates. Assist internally and externally with any Back Office related questions. Participate in team and individual projects delegated by the Back Office Manager. When needed, help keep the team organised by assisting with general Back Office duties including: Faxing, Archiving and Filing. Daily reconciliation of Exchange Position. Ecm Check daily to ensure all trades have matched Collect and check brokers confirmations against the system contents each day Check and fax all the confirmations produced by the system to the counterparties. Collect all incoming confirmations and check and record against the system chase all outstanding confirmations. Update the book with actual deliveries when this alters from the contractual volume. Accurate and timely confirmation and invoicing of all transactions 8211 All entries within the trading book are correct, no misreporting as this can cause big PampL swings Effective communications with numerous internal and external parties. QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Degree educated. Previous work based experience within a Back Office environment numerate and ability to work under pressure. Knowledge of energy commodity markets. European languages desirable. Global Oil Settlements Analyst Salary range: Temporary - 15.00 - 20.00 per hour Location: Docklands, London As a Global Settlements Analyst you will be wholly responsible for a suite of internal and external third parties and intercompany relationships You will be expected to manage all aspects of the Global relationship ensuring transactions and queries are dealt with efficiently. The role sits within the Global Central Services. The team provides Trade Settlement support for three trading functions in Singapore, London and Chicago. As a global trading organisation you may be required to work an early shift (from 7am), or a late shift (until 7pm), in addition there will be requirements to work on some bank holidays and weekends. 8211 Raising amp Issuing 3rd Party AR Invoices (oil or ancillary) in line with highly variable contractual due dates 8211 Reconciling and paying incoming AP invoices, creating recharge invoices where necessary 8211 Confirming incoming cash amp consolidating to daily cash forecast within tolerance 8211 Resolving volume, tax and other disputes in a timely manner 8211 Managing re-invoicing workload due to operational data or pricing updates 8211 Ensuring all invoices are tax compliant 8211 Managing overdue debt 8211 Understand and adhere to control and compliance policies 8211 Managing the Quarterly Group Agreement process Skills amp Experience Required 8211 Thorough understanding of Commodity Settlements Process (ideally energy), gained in a Banking or Commodity Trading Environment 8211 System Literate 8211 SAP experience is essential, and wide range of other in-house transactional systems 8211 Relationship Management with internal and highly sensitive external customers, globally 8211 Strong and confident communication skills 8211 Ability to manage workload independently to clear performance measurements with little supervision 8211 Highly numerate Quantitative Analyst 8211 Market Risk Salary range: Permanent - 40,000 - 50,000 p. a. fx Benefits Location: Berkshire, Windsor A great opportunity to work as a Quantitative Analyst for a very successful commodities trading company You will be responsible for running the weekly Power Optimization process this includes gathering input data from independent sources as well as verifying contract data. The end results of the process need to be verified and change analyses need to be performed to assure quality of the reporting. Results need to be reported and communicated with the Power Asset Book Risk Manager and the Reporting Team. IAS39 Standard contracts preparation Monthly Stress testing. Power Optimization processes Reporting processes Strict deadlines. Reporting to: Power Asset Book Risk Manager BachelorMaster in a quantitative or business subject strong excel skills ProgrammeProject Manager Salary range: Interim (Minimum 9 month contract) 300 - 500 per day Location: London, City A leading City based company are looking for an individual to manage the organisational change and process redesign that are all part of a new project. A leading City based company are looking for an individual to manage the organisational change and process redesign that are all part of a new project. Key Activities Working with key internal stakeholders build a comprehensive programme plan to ensure delivery within required timescales Implement programmeproject disciplines and best practice to ensure delivery against the agreed plan Report progress, risks, issues and actions on a regular basis to the Steering Committee (weekly flash reports and monthly meetings) Manage the day to day activities of a cross functional programme team (internal and external resource) to ensure delivery against the plan Escalate and ensure resolution of programme issues on a timely basis Support development of project management skills for the internal team You will be degree (or equivalent) educated with formal project management qualification such as Prince 2 together with proven experience of management and delivery of complex transformational programmes including process, systems and Organisational change, including the implementation and delivery of programmes. Excellent communication skills including strong influencing and organisational skills will be required for this position. HR Advisor Salary range: Permanent - 25,000 - 30,000 p. a. Location: Central London Our client is a unique, UK based business offering an unrivalled combination of fit-out, construction and facilities management services . The multi-disciplinary group provides a full range of services for the occupiers and owners of buildings from office fit-out and building refurbishment. to technical fit-out for facilities such as laboratories and data centres. The facilities management division of the group provides post-project support for clients as well as traditional maintenance and facilities management services to a wide range of organisations. Key activities in the role will include: Managing the organisations learning and development activities, including writing the yearly learning and development plan, producing a programme of training events, designing new programmes and analysing course evaluations. Recruiting staff at all levels, liaising with advertising and recruitment agencies, advising, as well as interviewing candidates using behavioural interviewing techniques. Training for Team Leaders up to Manager level relating to supervision of staff, how to conduct disciplinary and Grievance meetings, successful recruitment practices. Providing HR support and advice to managers and staff at all levels as and when required, managing the private pension scheme, cycle to work scheme, TUPE, Maternity entitlement and new legislation, variations to contracts. Involvement with Disciplinary, Grievance and Appeal processes, to assist managers and manage senior management processes Induction programmes for Administrators, Managers and Senior Managers, including devising a plan to cover key areas for each job role and manage the programme from the start, analyse the feedback and adapt programmes as necessary You will be highly motivated, HR professional wanting the next step in your career. This is a stand alone role and so the successful applicant will be a self starter with the ability to think for themselves and organise the HR function to run smoothly.

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